Lovely wife and cute baby oversized brand

Chapter 264 He Wants To Marry Another Woman 2

Chapter 264 Marrying Another Woman 1
She was sitting upright, pretending to be watching cartoons with great interest.

5 minutes, 10 minutes, half an hour passed.

He actually watched cartoons with her, without any explanation at all.

It's more endurance, right?

She has it all.

When she first set out on a mission, in order to wait for the right opportunity, she lurked in one place and waited for ten days and a half months.

After another half an hour, I saw that he was still watching cartoons with a blank face.

She's kind of broken.

Well, feelings are two different things than putting your head on a mission in your pants.

"Yan Shiting..." She spat out three words coldly from her tender red lips.

He looked sideways at her cold pretty face, "Huh?"

Well, your mother is a hot chicken!She cursed in her heart, but asked calmly on her face, "Are the cartoons good?"

He became interested and grabbed her waist, "What do you think?"


"That's nice." He leaned on her.

"What a fart!" she scoffed.

"You also know? It's so naive for children to watch." He criticized without hesitation.

"You're naive and you've been watching it for so long?" I don't know how much she worried about waiting, how much heart and soul she had been waiting for?

He gently pressed a kiss on her face, "It means that I love you. I never watch cartoons, and I patiently watched them with you for more than an hour. He is a good man, and he is a qualified boyfriend."

"So, you have credited yourself with merit?" She narrowed her eyes slightly and asked back.It turns out that she and his thoughts are not in the same country at all... A group of crows flew over the head blackly laughing... Could this be the difference between the thoughts of men and women in the legend?

He stared at her angry expression for three seconds, "You're not happy." The tone was affirmative.

"I have an urge to strangle you. Do you believe it?" Her voice almost came out through her teeth.

"What's the matter..." He frowned, "I made you angry, because of what?"

She suddenly felt powerless, "You really don't know?"

He thought about it, and remembered the question she asked before going to bed, "Do you want to know where I went last night?"

"You don't have to say it." The words that came out of her lips were also very simple.

He put her delicate body in his arms, "You care about me."

She didn't speak.

Seeing that she didn't deny it, he couldn't help but laugh, and his cold face became much more pleasant, "So it's about this."

"You don't think it matters?"

"I'm used to being authoritarian in everything. There's no need to report my whereabouts to anyone. I didn't think of explaining to you." He nodded her fair face, "If you want to know, I'll tell you. The night before yesterday, There was a call from the Yan family's old house. My grandfather had a fever and refused to be hospitalized, so I hurried back. The doctor went to the Yan's old house, but my grandfather refused to cooperate with the treatment. I was deadlocked with him until this morning before I came back."

She immediately understood the point, "You are in a stalemate with your grandfather... What does he ask you to do, and you refuse?"

His deep eyes fell on her beautiful face, and he stretched out his big palm to gently brush the hair behind her ears, "Xuan, you are just too smart."

She stared into his cold eyes, as if it was something he didn't want to talk about.

She could guess, "With the power of the Yan family, the success of your career, Yan Shiting... What your grandfather asked you to do must not be about your career, it is about your marriage."

(End of this chapter)

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