Chapter 746 Doomsday Zombie 54
Presumably, Ji not only taught her how to shoot, but also taught Yan Yu his own habit of hunting.

However, this move seemed to be very effective. The zombies who were only attacking but not defending just now started dancing back and forth, trying to throw off Yan Yu who was sitting on him.

He didn't even care about Xuan Yunzhi who was standing opposite, but no matter how his hands attacked the person on him, that person was unharmed, and the black nails couldn't pierce the person's skin.

Xuan Yunzhi squinted his eyes, watched Yan Yu's movements carefully, and quickly understood Yan Yu's intentions.

She turned her head and spoke to Long Ziyu who was standing beside her.

"Into his throat."

As soon as the voice fell, a lightning strike struck accurately.

With a bang, the zombie's head split into two pieces, and it fell to the ground in an instant.

Yan Yu fell to the ground, heaved a sigh of relief, wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and got up quickly again.

Xuan Yunzhi walked up to the zombie, the hairpin brushed across the zombie's head, and a piece of red spar fell to the ground.

Just as I reached out to pick it up, someone grabbed my wrist.

Long Ziyu's eyes were filled with annoyance of scrutiny and restraint
"Didn't you say that you didn't get that spar?"

Xuan Yunzhi watched his ears and wrists being clenched
"What are you talking about? Why didn't I understand?"

Long Ziyu tugged at her wrist, looked at Yan Yu,

"You gave her that spar, so she will have the mutation ability of that zombie's iron wall."

Bright eyes looked at him.

I thought what he was talking about, but I was still struggling with that spar.

She withdrew her hand forcefully
"Instead of spending all that energy entangled with a spar that has been fused, you might as well think carefully about how to get another spar from a zombie in the next time."


Long Ziyu was about to explode in anger, did this woman dismiss him with just one word? ?

Xuan Yunzhi ignored him at all, and glanced at another group of people who were unexpectedly surrounded by zombies tens of meters away.

Although Yan Yu didn't speak, she still couldn't help but glance there twice.

The battle over there is not as good as this one. People are constantly being injured and there is a stalemate.

Until the intercom in Long Ziyu's hand rang out harshly again
"Boss! We have encountered a zombie with a virus!! Some people's wounds have festered and pus!"

Although Yin Chenggang's voice was urgent, it sounded steady, but it changed suddenly at this moment.

The word death is always the most feared when it is about to come.

Because of the emergency situation over there, several people got into the jeep and drove straight.

Until they broke a road and joined them.

Bai Liyan, Yin Cheng and Yan Lie's subordinates formed an encirclement circle, which can be handled temporarily.

Kuan Lie directly get off the car and ask
"Where's the injured person?"


Someone among them made a sound and pointed to a dying person lying on the ground in the distance.

The man had been bitten on the arm, and the wound was bleeding and exuding an unpleasant stench.

Obviously, this person is infected, and they have no medicine that can bring an infected person back to normal.

That is, the person either dies or becomes a zombie.

With a bang, Kuan Lie raised the submachine gun in his hand and shot the man dead.

look cold
"But anyone who is scratched by a zombie, and the wound festers and emits a foul smell is a precursor to mutating into a zombie. Everyone, protect yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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