Chapter 729 Doomsday Zombie 37
Xuan Yunzhi didn't react, but Yan Yu saw it.

This good-looking elder brother who appeared suddenly had a strong exclusive desire for his elder sister.

After Xuan Yunzhi listened, he looked at Si Yunxie's satisfied expression.

she laughed angrily

"How old are you?"

Si Yunxie thought about it seriously

She snorted lightly and didn't bother to answer, pulled him to find a place to sit down,
"eat fast"

In this way, Si Yunxie bowed his head in satisfaction and started to eat.

From time to time, I could hear Xuan Yunzhi's helpless voice

"Eat slowly."

"Hey, no one is robbing you, so eat slowly."

Yan Yu looked up, with a flash of envy in his eyes.

The older sister looked impatient, but the older sister cared about the older brother.

But Yan Yu is just a person, has always been a person, she is dead or alive, no one cares about her, no one will care about her, oh, no sister treats her very well.

Thinking of this, Yan Yu seemed to be getting better, and lowered her head to eat again.

Ji crouched in front of her, looked at her, then stretched out his hand to hold her head, stopping her.

Then brewed in the mouth for a long time
"Gulu, slow down"

Difficult expression, it was the first time he spoke so clearly.

Yan Yu's eyes were red all of a sudden, she picked up a piece of barbecue, smiled and handed it to Ji's mouth
"Want to eat?"

Don't stare at the barbecue, then look at Yan Yu.

Then opened his mouth.

He opened his mouth wide, and waited until Yan Yu put the roast meat into his mouth and withdrew his hand, then he closed his mouth and chewed it one by one.

Yan Yu looked at him with a smile, Ji seemed to be eating this for the first time, but he liked it very much.

He left and opened his mouth again, waiting for her to feed.

Yan Yu put the barbecue meat into his mouth piece by piece.

Completely forget that this is a zombie.

Although it's okay to be scratched by him, once bitten, even if it's just a small cut, it will become a zombie, and there is no cure.

After this meal, it is time to prepare for a rest.

After all, we have to hurry tomorrow.

Where they are is considered suburban.

In the lawn forest, you never know what to expect.

Yan Yu was about to rest, when a snake swam up to her, she screamed in fright, the snake clicked and bit her skin.

But strangely, Yan Yu was unscathed, even too excited, a sudden lightning strike came from Yan Yu's palm, directly scorching the snake and laying it on the ground.

This scene was seen by Xuan Yunzhi who rushed over.

She carefully checked where Yan Yu was bitten, and confirmed that Yan Yu was not injured.

Now, she said she was not shocked, that was a lie.

It's just one night's effort, how many supernatural abilities have appeared on Yan Yu's body?

Spatial abilities, the wound suddenly healed, the poisonous snake couldn't bite through her flesh, and even a thunderbolt appeared in her palm when she was agitated? !
Don't tell her it's all because of that stone! !

Yan Yu comforted her and found her a clean place.

Xuan Yunzhi was full of questions at the moment, when 001 suddenly spoke
"Ding Dong, according to the data analysis, due to various factors, the difficulty of completing your current plane task has become a B-level task. Therefore, the difficulty of your side task has increased."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard 001 again

"Ding dong, the host has triggered a sideline mandatory task, please help Yan Yu become the new darling of heaven."

Xuan Yunzhi resisted the urge to ask, and after taking good care of Yan Yu, she leaned against the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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