Ugly peasant girl in space

Chapter 77 Moving to a new house, meeting a nobleman

Chapter 77 Moving to a new house, meeting a nobleman (4)
Coming out of the second sister's room, Qingli walked through the veranda to the small pond in the middle, sat on the stone bench next to it and watched it for a while, it's already autumn, there are no seasonal flowers, and it should be bare in winter But in summer, you can grow some flowers and plants, plant some lotus in the pond, and the lotus root can be eaten.

Qingli looked inside at the fat fish in the space, let it out silently, put most of it into her own pond, and poured a lot of spiritual spring water into it.Now the Lingquan pool in the space is finally not so dark, and the rest of the fish can swim freely.There are still some river mussels at the bottom of the pond, which have already grown very large, several times the original harvested size. I believe that the pearls inside must not be small. Recently, we must hurry up to catch a batch, otherwise they will grow bigger and be too conspicuous.

"Girl Li, do you think your house is still lacking?"

After finishing packing up her clothes, Liu couldn't find Qingli, but she was sitting in the pavilion by herself, thinking with her chin in her hands, and she didn't know what was going on in her little head.

"Mother, there is no shortage, it's already very good, even the second sister, don't you have to prepare some face wipes?"

I heard that there are some face wipes made of flowers in the town, which are similar to modern face creams, but the price is not cheap. People in the village are exposed to the wind and sun, and they don’t care. People get older.The second sister is thirteen, and she sometimes goes to the fields during busy farming seasons. Although it is okay to be nourished by the space water recently, she should also buy some skin care products and rub her skin to make her skin more tender.

"Don't tell me that mother has forgotten, wait for your second sister to come, and you can go shopping."

Mrs. Liu said a few words to Mrs. Zhang who came over, and then said to Qing Li, "Girl Li, the house is being built at home. For these two months, you will live here with your second sister, and you can take care of your grandma." .”

"What about the little brother, mother, do you still want to take him back? Why don't you stay in the town too?"

There is no one at home, if Mrs. Liu is busy, the little brother is too lonely, Qing Li doesn't want him talking to chickens and ducks all day long.

"Okay, just ask when the time comes, as long as you have your uncle, aunt, and two cousins ​​at home, your grandparents are in town, ask Xiaoju if she will come, and your sisters can also be companions."

"Mom, why don't you also be in the town? About our house building, you can just rent a bullock cart and look at it once a few days. The big hall brother is sure to be fine."

Qingli thought, if they all live in the town, it would be inconvenient for her mother to stay in the village alone.

"Okay, I'll discuss it with your father."

Mrs. Liu thought for a while, then nodded. There was no work at home, and she was unwilling to be separated from the child's father.

The mother and daughter stayed in the new yard for a while, and Mrs. Liu still has to buy a lot of things. Although she will move tomorrow, the neighbors around her are unfamiliar, so they should set off firecrackers and buy some wedding cakes for the neighbors on the left and right. Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors , I can help you if there is anything in the future, Qingli is also particularly fooling Mrs. Liu, so I persuaded my mother to buy the rest of the cumin powder home. As for the cumin powder, Qingli’s baby is not good, the parents said In the future, I will open a restaurant at home, and this cumin will also be used.In the early morning of the next day, Qingli was called by her mother, Liu Shi. Her mother's dress was refreshed, she put on some powder, her skin looked whiter, her eyebrows and eyes were soft, and she wore a silver hairpin in her bun. .

"Girl Li, put on new clothes. We're moving today." Mrs. Liu looked very good, and brought over a set of floral clothes with a smile. , Mother combs your hair."

There are new clothes, they are still made of fine cotton, Qingli is also very happy, it has not been a long time since she wore them, she is used to wearing tattered clothes, and it is a bit awkward to put on new clothes suddenly.

"Mom, I don't want to tie this red-headed rope, but the second sister bought it for me."

After washing her face, Qing Li sat down and asked her mother Liu to comb her hair. Seeing Liu holding the red string, she thought of Xu Zhu's head, as if a pig's head was tied on her head, which was absolutely impossible.

"You girl, didn't you like Xu Ji's hair rope the most before?"

Although Mrs. Liu was puzzled, she agreed with Qing Li, muttering, "Today is just a school break, your father and brothers don't need to go, your grandfather and the others will come to town in a while, let's have breakfast first, ready to move."

"Mother, Second Sister and the others should be here soon."

Qingli usually fights with her second sister, but after being separated for a few days, she really misses her a little bit. Although her second sister Qing Qiang has a hot personality, she is very defensive and looks like a big sister. She thinks that she can't let her second sister marry far away. You have to find a safe house nearby.In fact, Mrs. Wang's dog eggs are not bad, and they are honest and responsible. When they see the second sister, they will only scratch their heads and laugh, and they don't know where to put their hands.

"Well, let's go out and eat."

At the dinner table, the whole family looked completely new, not only her and mother, but also father, eldest brother, and third brother all put on new long gowns. They looked clean and tidy, elegant and refined, especially the eldest brother. From this point of view, he looked like a rich family. The young master, with slender eyebrows and eyes, can't see any emotion, and always gives people a calm and breezy look. You can't guess what he is thinking, and no one will think that this is a boy who grew up in the country.

Several people were in a hurry, so they quickly finished their breakfast. Mrs. Liu cleaned up a little, and the day began to shine.

"The third child, the third daughter-in-law!"

It was the voice of grandpa Mo Fulai. Qingli had good ears. After hearing it, she ran out of the house. Sure enough, grandpa and uncle stood at the gate of the courtyard with their second sister and younger brother. Happy.

"You heartless little girl, you lived comfortably in the town and forgot about your second sister?"

The second sister Mo Qingqiang saw Qingli, first looked up and down, then pointed at Qingli with her hips crossed and began to complain. The life in Mojia Village has been a bit boring recently, but the family cannot do without people, although I really want to Going to town, but never mentioning it once.

"Second sister, you are here!"

Qingli took the second sister's hand and said with a smile, "It's not good in the town. Usually, Dad and Big Brother go to school, and I'm the only one who cooks at home, and you teach me the skills."

Qingli saw that the second sister was not really angry, and she was still wearing the silk flower that she entrusted Big Niu brother to bring back, so she knew that she was safe for the time being, so she hurriedly said something nice, "Mother said, we will live in the town recently, we The new yard is huge, and there is a pond in the yard, you must like it."

"Really? I heard from my uncle that our house is better than the patriarch's house!"

The second sister, Qing Qiang, smiled and clapped her hands, "That girl Xiao Ju must be at home, otherwise when my aunt returns, someone will feed the pigs, and let her come and play for a few days."

No wonder I didn't see Cousin Qingju, this time my grandparents were brought to the town, the uncle's house should be lighter, at least the uncle's mother's work has been reduced a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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