cute and sweet

Chapter 774 Royal Noble Passage

Chapter 774 Royal Noble Passage
At first glance, there was no visible injury on his leg at all.

Mosi Mucheng supported Luying to stand up with one hand, and said with a smile: "It's rare to travel with Engong, how can I accompany you with that kind of appearance? My injury is no longer serious, let's go."

The chariots and horses that have already been prepared are waiting, all kinds of play items are neatly equipped, the relevant maids and servants are accompanying, and even the guards are waiting.

So, a group of people headed for the Yongchun River, which is like spring all the year round.
Sunny, no wind, no snow.

In the winter, the thin sunlight shines down a large area, and it seems that the world has a little more warmth.

Not far away, the snow on the branches that hadn't melted in time looked extraordinarily crystal-clear and shining under the sunlight, and the fine pieces of sunlight were like gold, making people dazzle after looking at them for a long time.

Walking slowly along the way, it seems that the Yongchun River is really a place for outings, allowing this large group of people to brave the severe cold to feel the spring.

Just like when they came to Shengfang City, Mosi Mucheng only arranged a carriage for the four of them to share.

Luo Ziyu leaned against Shen Qingjue's arms, feeling a little bored, so he lifted the curtain and looked outside, only to see that the carriage entered a secluded path after leaving the city.

The beautiful big eyes blinked, Luo Ziyu was a little puzzled, this road is obviously different from the road that Master took her yesterday!

He looked at his master with some doubts and motioned him to look outside.

Shen Qing was very clear, following Luo Ziyu's gaze, he saw that the jungle was densely covered outside, as if he was walking through a withered forest.

"This is..." Shen Qing despaired of the unfamiliar scenery in front of the window, and lengthened the sound of the last word, showing his doubts.

Seeing this, Namosi Mucheng smiled gently: "This is a shortcut, exclusively used by the royal family. From here to Yongchun River, the time can be cut in half."

"It's convenient." Shen Qingjue gave such an evaluation.

The location of Yongchun River is not very close to the capital of this country, but it is not far away either.

According to what the inn boy said back then, if ordinary people drive there, they can arrive in less than two hours.

Of course, this is for ordinary people.

From the capital to the Yongchun River, after leaving the city gate, there is a direct official road, and there is also a road stepped by everyone.

Two hours later, at the end of this road, there is the sparkling river full of spring.

However, for this royal family, there is no need to be so troublesome.

Because, from the national capital to the Yongchun River, there is also a special channel for royal nobles.

That road was built by the previous monarch, just because the monarch's favorite concubine liked to dance and sing along the Yongchun River.

Today, Mosi Mucheng ordered his people to drive through this "royal noble passage".

The carriage drove smoothly, and the four people in the carriage stopped talking.

Luo Ziyu leaned against Shen Qingjue's arms, playing with his fingers.

The big fat rabbit on the side was lying on her lap, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Shen Qingjue looked at the little man in his arms, and then turned his head to look out of the window. Through the curtain, he seemed to be able to see a very far place.

In fact, only he himself knows that what he is thinking about is the question of where Qingyue's soul is.

On the other side, Mosi Mucheng leaned on the cushion and closed his eyes to rest, with a relaxed expression.

Luying was playing with a bracelet in her hand, looking around, and looking at Shen Qingjue and Luo Ziyu from time to time.

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(End of this chapter)

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