cute and sweet

Chapter 652 For Marriage?

Chapter 652 For Marriage?

Closing her eyes, Huayue waved to Luo Ziyu: "Okay, I'm a little tired, you can go back."

Luo Ziyu had never seen her mother so angry. From childhood to adulthood, in her impression, her mother was always happy.

Even though she is already a mother of two children, under the pampering of her father and king, the queen mother is still like a child.

If we say that the most innocent person in the whole palace, he should be regarded as her queen mother.

Because the father, who is the king, raised a queen for himself who only thought of him, and he was very successful!
When she was very young, Luo Ziyu would also be a little jealous, why the father didn't let her stay with her elder brother and mother for a long time, and why the father would rob them of the mother.

Later, she gradually became sensible, but she really understood that the father and the king loved the mother the most, and it was the kind of love that melted into the flesh and blood, which was much deeper than loving them and their children.

And their queen mother is smart and simple. Even though she has an incomparable gun talent, she is still under the protection of her father. She has not been infected by this palace, and she has always been her father's favorite appearance.

Because of this, the sensible Luo Ziyu and Luo Zijin knew that no matter what their tempers were, in front of their mother and queen, they were the most well-behaved and lovely children.

Even Luo Biyin, Luo Fenghua, and Luo Chenxiang knew that they were well-behaved and innocent children in front of the queen.

Therefore, this kind of simplicity and cuteness has been maintained like this, making the whole royal atmosphere extraordinarily harmonious.

It was also in such a harmonious and beautiful atmosphere that Luo Ziyu had never seen his mother get angry.

To be exact, I have never seen her so angry!
Even when she and her elder brother broke the machinery and equipment that the queen made with great difficulty when she was a child, the queen would just look very sorry.

But the father would let them stand aside and be punished.

However, now, because of her few words, the queen mother is angry, and... Looking at the look on the queen mother's face, and thinking of the disappointment in her eyes before, Luo Ziyu felt extremely stupid!

How could she have such an idea?
How could she tell the queen mother like that?
How could she...

However, no matter how much she regretted it, Luo Ziyu knew in her heart that she thought so!
In the many books she has read, in the marriages she has seen between ministers in the court and in the court, in the human relationships she has seen in the travels with her master, there are factors of this exchange of interests.

And in the storybooks she read before, weren't there many stories about being sent outside the Great Wall to marry?
Therefore, without exception, Luo Ziyu would think that the matter between himself and that Murong Zhao, the father must also be happy to see it happen.

Through such a marriage, the relationship between Puyu and Xianbei was strengthened.

Did she think wrong?

Luo Ziyu has always felt that he sees things very clearly, and is able to stand by and analyze the pros and cons.

However, until now, until just now, she realized that she was wrong!
The queen mother may be the simplest of all, but she is the one who understands her father best!
And since the queen mother said so, it means that the father and king really didn't mean to rely on her to get married!
It wasn't until this time that Luo Ziyu suddenly remembered that he had heard the second emperor's aunt mention that the father and king back then seemed to have been forced to marry.

Because of the marriage, you can't marry the woman you like the most, and you can't be with the person you love the most.

(End of this chapter)

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