cute and sweet

Chapter 1760

Chapter 1760
No one would rob him, so how could he target himself?

What's more, what his father has always taught him is never the way of a king, but the style of a general who defends his family and country.

Gong Dongqiang was a little hesitant to guess if he was wrong, but the accompanying counselor said that it was safest to rush back to the fief immediately.

Because, in the fief, he has a legitimate position, a strong army, and a sphere of influence that cannot be violated by anyone.

It's just that Gong Dongqiang didn't expect that he would never go back after leaving the fief this time.

At the pass of the Xiashan Mountain, their group met robbers and robbers who robbed property and people. No matter what they robbed, how could his majestic Prince Anding allow such wild men to provoke him?

So, not surprisingly, the elite soldiers he brought confronted the robbers.

They are well-trained elite soldiers, but they are just mob robbers. They were originally two forces with disparity in strength, and there is no suspense in the result.

However, no one thought that in the end, they, who were supposed to win, were defeated miserably!
And the key to the fiasco was a car of fireworks!
The carload of fireworks was not what they carried with them, it was prepared by the robbers when they came down to rob.

Gong Dongqiang watched the bursts of explosions, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have fallen into a trap.

Because, on the car with fireworks, it was clearly pretending that there was nothing...

During the second scene of the explosion, Gong Dongqiang's bodyguard threw himself on him, and finally turned into a meat paste, but protected him.

It's a pity that the explosion turned into a big fire in the end, and the burnt people lost their direction, and those who were killed were directly swallowed by the fire and turned into soot.

And those who are alive are fleeing in all directions.

Gong Dongqiang felt his face and body hurt so badly that he couldn't see clearly. In the end, he stepped on the ground and fell down!
Stumbling, he was hung on a branch protruding from the mountainside of a cliff, but he happened to hear the conversation on the cliff.

A heavy voice said, "Hurry up! Hurry up! Did you find the body of King Anding?"

The other person's voice was a little thinner: "Boss, no, it must have been blown into meat sauce, right? Or, was it burnt to ashes?"

After pondering for a while, the man said in a thinner voice: "Oh, this explosion is really powerful, and the fire is also fierce."

The gruff voice snorted coldly: "That's right, it was specially sent by the palace. Of course it's very powerful~!"

The two of them wanted to say something, but suddenly a somewhat cold voice said: "What are you still doing? Find it quickly! His Royal Highness is ordered to find that King Anding, and he will reward you!"

"Find it quickly!",...

Gongdong Qiang was hanging on a branch in the cliff, listening to these conversations above, his heart became colder and colder.

There was only one word left in his mind: Your Highness the Prince.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that he was so naive.Even if he doesn't want to fight for that position, the prince will still not let him go!
The branch bearing his weight couldn't bear it anymore, and with a click, the branch broke.

At the moment when he fell off the cliff, what Gong Dongqiang was thinking in his heart was: If his father knew that the idea of ​​not fighting for the throne instilled in him since childhood had shaped his defenselessness against the prince today, wouldn’t he know that his father would not fight for the throne? Will you regret what you did?
(End of this chapter)

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