cute and sweet

Chapter 1746 You Are Loyal!

Chapter 1746 You Are Loyal!
"I don't dare! I just hope that the king can give me an explanation. Is the above statement true?"

Glancing at all the colleagues beside him, Mo An continued: "The ministers were cultivated by the late emperor, and they were reused by the monarch to become what they are today. I wanted to die for the monarch. However, facing such a record The book, the things recorded in it made the minister panic, so the minister wanted to risk his life to play, just want to hear the king's explanation, and the minister will not hesitate to die."

His words, spoken out slowly, are like that warm water, without much strong feeling, but people can't ignore it.

Especially what he said was exactly what many ministers in the court wanted to say.

Many of them were cultivated by the first emperor. Later, after Gong Dongdi came to the throne, they directly became his courtiers and were greatly valued.

Of course, a large part of them were cultivated and promoted by Gong Dongdi himself, but after all, this group of veteran ministers cannot be ignored.

But now, looking at the "record of atrocities" in their hands, after everyone turned pale with shock and disbelief, all they want is an explanation from the monarch to calm the turmoil in their hearts.

Gong Dongdi listened to Mo An's words, and then looked at the memorial that he had thrown on the ground, the murderous intent in his eyes was undisguised.

He looked at the peaceful and harmless man, and said coldly, "Mo An, you are so loyal!"

The man bowed respectfully, and said: "I dare not lie, I am terrified, because compared with all the adults, besides being afraid of disappointing the cultivation of the late emperor, I also have a selfish desire, which is..."

Raising his eyes, he looked at Gong Nanli, firm and serious: "King Anding, was it true that he was not killed by robbers, but burned to death by the monarch?"

Youyou's words and simple questions made the court, which was still whispering and noisy, suddenly quiet down.

Everyone looked at Mo An in unison, then secretly looked at the superior monarch, and finally stood still with their heads bowed, but their ears were open, waiting carefully for the answer.

Time passed in silence, and the monarch did not give any answer.

Mo Jingjing looked at Gong Dongdi, and asked again: "Please tell me clearly, how did my nephew die?"

Gong Dongdi looked at the seemingly gentle and harmless man, and for the first time felt that he had misjudged the man.

Back then, it was because of Mo An Wentun's cowardice and lack of assertiveness that he kept this man and let him stay in the position of Prime Minister Zuo.

Now, it seems, it seems that he doesn't know this person yet!

Gripping the handle of the dragon chair tightly, Gong Dongdi said coldly: "In the case of King Anding, the Ministry of Justice had already reached a clear conclusion. Mo Aiqing, you questioned me so aggressively, did you forget your identity? "

After Mo An heard these words, he still had the same meek look, but he never insisted: "The monarch, the minister has only one younger sister, and after entering the palace to accompany the first emperor for a year, she gave birth to a prince, who is later King Anding. I only have such a nephew, but I didn’t expect him to die before he could serve the country. Now, some people say that his death was done by the king, and I want to understand it even if I die! Please explain to the king.”

As soon as these words came out, it could be said that Gong Dongdi had no evasion.

He suddenly stood up from the throne and shouted loudly...

(End of this chapter)

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