Fast wear strategy female with poison

Chapter 612 Attacking the Man with the Snake Tail

Chapter 612 Attacking the Man with the Snake Tail
Nai He said coldly, "I only do what is fair."

"You!" She subconsciously wanted to reach out and hold him, not to let him go, but she was swept away by his black eyes, and remembered the scene when he was pushed just now, she retracted her hand again, and said timidly: "Can't I promise?"

Nai He's cool tone remained unchanged, "Given your cunning, I don't think I can trust your words so easily."

"I..." She gritted her teeth, "If I deceive you, I will be struck by lightning!"

Once this cultivator makes an oath, if he fails to do so, he will really be punished by the heavens, so Ziwei Zhenjun has always emphasized to the two sisters, that they must not swear casually.

Naihe stopped in his tracks, and there seemed to be a ray of light flashing across his dark eyes. At this time, he had achieved his purpose, and some flirtatious young people were provocative, but this emotional change was only in an instant, and soon It disappears, which makes people think it is an illusion.

Few people know that Nai He, who has always been regarded as speechless, heartless, and expressionless, has a heart of revenge. Since he was cheated by her, he will always take revenge back.

Along the way, he did not miss her fear of ghosts. Maybe now she is visually fatigued and not afraid of ghosts for the time being, but the resentment is still there, forcing her to face disgusting things, which will make him A deceived heart is much more balanced.

Feng Guang's expression is ugly now, "Then I caught that female ghost, how can I contact you?"

"Use this." He took out a black paper talisman, "Tear it and I will appear naturally."

When Fengguang reached out and touched the black talisman, he immediately withdrew his hand. She blinked strangely, thinking that this man who looks like albinism doesn't like to be touched by others. Such a beautiful woman, I have never seen a man who avoids her like a snake and a scorpion.

Naihe said, "Close your eyes."

"Oh..." She closed her eyes obediently, suddenly felt as if a breeze was blowing on her face, and she lost consciousness for a moment.

In an apartment in City A, a man and a woman in the room are stalemate.

Seeing the man who suddenly appeared, Xia Yanyu asked coldly, "Do you really have a way to save the scenery?"

"Of course." The man smiled frivolously, perfectly charming.

"Who are you? Why should I trust you?"

"I made a mistake, I even forgot to introduce myself to the beauty." The man scratched his hair, and said with a heartless smile: "Hi beauty, my name is Yunji, I'm a senior in A University, um ... I had a friendship with Sister Fengguang eating melon seeds together, so we could barely be considered friends."

Xia Yanyu didn't dare to believe it easily, "You are a friend of Fengjing? Why haven't I heard her mention it before?"

She is very clear about the beautiful interpersonal relationship, just like all twin sisters, no matter what happens, they will choose to share it with each other.

"Ah? She didn't mention me. That's because I unilaterally thought that we were friends..." A look of disappointment appeared on Yun Ji's face, and the desolate expression on his handsome face could easily make people feel ashamed. Feel obsessed.

But Xia Yanyu was never someone who would be fooled by beauty, she asked: "How did you know something happened to the scenery? And how did you know where we live?"

"I haven't seen Sister Fengguang for a week. It's not difficult to think that something happened to her. As for where you live, I'm not the only one who knows." He smiled mysteriously, "The newcomer Jun Yu Lecturer, don't you also know where you live?"

(End of this chapter)

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