The manual of saving male god of fast crossing system

Chapter 251 Ancient Hero King VS Lolita Magician 19

Chapter 251 Ancient Hero King VS Lolita Magician 19
Wan Wan's eyes lit up, it was he who came!
Gilgamesh stood in the air, with a strong killing intent in his icy red pupils.

"Who are you?" Medea asked angrily.

Very strong!Where did this man come from.

Wan Wan pushed Rin Tohsaka away, and gave Gilgamesh a sweet smile, "Brother, you're here."

Gilgamesh's dazzling blond hair looked so dazzling at this moment, and there was violent anger on his handsome face like a god.

Because, he saw the red strangle marks on Wanwan's body from being tied up. On the girl's fair body, such marks looked shocking.

Flying down and hugging Wan Wan in his arms, Gilgamesh raised his hand, and a large number of light circles appeared in the void.

The lowly ants dared to hurt the lover he had found so hard, he wanted to die!
There is a sword in each golden light circle, flying towards Medea with tyrannical power.

The magic circle in Medea's hand also flew out of the sword light, but it was not enough to resist.

she is going to lose...

Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shiro hid aside.

Medea was pierced by several swords, and fell to the ground in embarrassment. With her cloak off, she revealed a charming and beautiful face.

As she was about to die, she looked at the man beside her. That was her magician master and also her man.

There was no wave in the man's eyes, and Medea slowly closed her eyes.

Medea's magician master knew that he couldn't escape, so he fought Emiya Shirou and the others instead.

Finally, it ends with death.

Wanwan looked at all this calmly. In the final analysis, it was the greed of the magician that caused all this.

She will never tolerate those who want her life.

"Rin, Shirou." Wanwan called to the two who were hiding in the darkness.

"Where do you want to go?"

Rin Tohsaka looked at Wan Wan seriously, "Illya, we don't want to be your enemy."

"Even if you know that I am the Holy Grail container?" Wanwan smiled faintly.

Emiya Shirou's expression was unclear, hiding in the darkness.

"Where's Shirou?" Wanwan looked at him.

Emiya Shiro was silent for a while, and then said: "If the price of activating the Holy Grail is your life, I decide to quit."

Wanwan smiled and said, "That's good, otherwise, I'll kill you all without hesitation, right, brother."

Gilgamesh said coldly, "Kill them now?"

Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shiro immediately prepared for the battle.

Wanwan leaned against Gilgamesh's arms, shook her head and said, "No, it's no fun when they die."

The innocent and cruel tone is like a child treating a beloved toy.

Tohsaka Rin held back his temper and said, "Then we can go now."

Wanwan thought for a while and said, "Shirou, I haven't been to your house yet, can I go and have a look?"

Ilya's father adopted Emiya Shiro, so the place where Ilya's father lived was the place where Ilya's father lived.

Although Wanwan disdained that betrayer, she still wanted to visit it, as a memory of her dead father.

Emiya Shirou didn't expect her to make such a request, his eyes flickered, and he said, "Okay."

"Then I'll go too." Tohsaka Rin said quickly.

Illya's temperament is changeable, and no one knows what will happen to her next step. Since she and Emiya Shirou chose to cooperate, she should protect his safety.

Wanwan didn't care about Rin Tohsaka's attitude, and said to Gilgamesh, "Brother, let's go to Shirou's house to play?"

(End of this chapter)

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