Chapter 222 Hot Sale
As soon as Jingya's shop opened, the business was booming.Not only is the woolen fabric selling well, but the wool and sweaters are also very popular.For a time, all the women in the capital were proud of learning how to knit sweaters.

Ruyu and Rumei are very busy every day.Not only do they have to teach the masters in the garment shop how to read the drawings designed by Jing Han, but they also have to demonstrate how to cut clothes by themselves. In addition, there are many people who want to learn how to knit sweaters.The two girls were so tired that they fell asleep at night and wished they had to get up the next day.

The woolen material sells very well, and the price is even higher. A piece of woolen cloth is five times higher than the price of brocade.Even so, there are still many people lining up to buy.Jingya had no choice but to say that the ready-to-wear shop couldn't keep up, and only bought ten pieces of material every day, and the supply was limited.

I have to say that there are plenty of capable people in the capital.After seeing the ready-made garments, some people say that they don't need to make them in tailor-made garment shops, and they buy them back and make them by themselves.In this way, Jingya naturally couldn't say anything, so she had to sell it to others.That's good too, so as not to overwhelm the tailor shop.Besides, there are only four styles of clothes that Jinghan sent, and they are currently in use, and the rest are temporarily reserved, and they will be taken out after these styles are finished.

That's how people are, the less things there are, the more rare they feel.Although Jinghan sent a total of thousands of pieces of fabric, but where is the capital?It is the most prosperous city in the country, and it is also the center where the North and South economies converge.Merchants from all over the world come and go, what are these thousand horses?
In this way, a thousand bolts of fabric were swept away within a month or so after entering Beijing.Jingya had no choice but to send someone to buy goods from Jinghan, and at the same time paid for the first batch of goods to Jinghan.

Although it is between sisters, there is also a contract.What was originally set was the sales model of sharing.Because everyone didn't know how the woolen cloth was selling and what the price could be, so Jinghan and Jingya decided on a sales share model, so that everyone would not suffer.

The first batch of payment was sent to Jinghan, and there was actually 3 taels of silver, which shocked Jinghan a lot.She never thought that this woolen cloth could be bought at such a high price.You know, Jingya took away [-]% of what she deserved.

"Zixuan, Eldest Sister wrote a letter, saying that she will deliver goods there again, and now this material is selling very well." In the evening, the couple chatted together.

Mrs. Xue has gone home long ago, so she can't just take care of her daughter and ignore others, right?Now beside Jing Han, besides Qian Shi and Ru Xue, there are four other little girls, Chun Tao, Chun Liu, Chun Xing, and Chun Lan.These four girls were selected from among the refugees.Jing Han didn't care about their identities, they were just little girls, so why did they make any mistakes?It's just being implicated.

In fact, Jinghan chose a lot of people from among the refugees to do things for her, especially some girls and boys. This is better than them working every day and being beaten and scolded.Jinghan promised that if they did well, they could find a way to find a way out for them locally.This is a very big temptation for them.In fact, this kind of situation is very common. No matter where, there will be people who treat refugees like slaves.Some girls will also be given to some powerful local people as playthings.Now he is only working for the magistrate's mansion, and he can return to his normal status one day, which is a great thing.

Originally, Qian's intention was to hire a nanny for the child, so that Jinghan could also have a chance to rest well.But Jinghan didn't agree, she didn't like it.Why don't you raise your own children, but give them to others?Since it can be born, it must be able to be raised, or else it should not be born.Zixuan also agreed with this, so Jinghan took the child with her and raised it by herself.

In fact, even if you raise it by yourself, it doesn't take much.During the day, Qian and the maids took care of the children, while Jinghan only nursed the baby. Only at night, Jinghan got up by herself to nurse and change diapers.The child is also worry-free, he only gets up to eat milk once every night, and then sleeps until dawn, so Jing Han doesn't need to worry much at all.

At this time the child was already asleep, Jinghan put him on the top of the kang and covered him with a quilt.

"Since the eldest sister wants the goods, you can give them to her. Taking advantage of the freshness now and the high price, let's make a good fortune. I guess it will be this year, and next year, someone will figure out the tricks in it. By then , the price may not be so high, so this year it is enough to earn money. Anyway, there are many rich people in the capital, and they keep their money to grow hair, but our people live a miserable life. Robbing the rich and helping the poor." Zixuan put his arms around Jinghan and said with a smile.

Jinghan was amused by Zixuan's words, "You are so good at talking, and you even rob the rich and give to the poor. It is clearly a rare commodity to live in. That's right, these things are not difficult in the first place. Those big experts in dyeing and weaving, I'm afraid they will know it at the first glance. Yes. We have to take advantage of this opportunity to earn as much as we can. Others will do it in the future, but it will be a step too late after following us. Besides, I want to build a ranch by myself, and we can control the raw materials by ourselves. Outsiders will not be able to overtake us for a while. There are also sister Wuya and her tribe. Next year we have to raise the price of wool. Don’t wait for people to come to pry it, let’s raise the price again, that way Passive." It was originally intended to allow the herdsmen to earn more money. When the price of wool rises and the herdsmen earn money, then whoever has the ability will collect the wool.Jinghan thought a little badly, it seems that it is very feasible to build a ranch at home.

"You don't know what's in your head. There are a lot of ghost ideas. But it's good to build a pasture, and we can live there for a while. Raise some more cows, sheep, etc. It’s better to raise some more horses, then it will be lively.” Zixuan felt relieved when he thought of that scene.

Jinghan also thought of that scene, and became more determined to build a pasture, "There is a big pasture near Xianghaipao, why don't I just buy it." It is a very high-quality pasture there.

"Okay, that's easy. Anyway, no one lives there, so let's just buy it. It just so happens that the county government can make more money." Zixuan doesn't care, it doesn't matter whoever buys it, why can't he sell it to his wife? Woolen cloth?As long as he doesn't use his power for personal gain, there's nothing wrong with him, right?
The couple babbled for a while before going to bed.

For the second batch of fabric, Jing Han gave away two thousand pieces.Since spring, Jinghan's weaving workshop has not stopped, and has been collecting wool, spinning, weaving, and spinning wool.Up to now, a lot of fabrics have been accumulated.In addition to these two batches of cloth and wool sent to the capital, there were nearly [-] pieces of cloth and [-] catties of wool left in the warehouse.In addition, there is about [-] catties of wool, and Changshun and Chang'an are still buying wool back.Fortunately, the price of wool is still very cheap now, that is, you can receive it for a dozen cash. It is estimated that in two years, it will not grow to a few hundred cash per catty?

Even though the wool is cheap, plus the wages to be paid to the workers, Jinghan has already pressed more than 5000 taels of silver in it.Anyway, the price of this fabric is not bad, and I made some money, otherwise, Jing Han is really under a lot of pressure.

There is also a lot of food in the winery.This year the weather is very good, the weather is good, and the grain harvest is bumper.Apart from keeping food for next year, the common people sold all the rest.The warehouse of the county government is full of food.Of course, Jinghan's distillery couldn't consume that much, and finally used the relationship of the Sun family brothers to sell some of the food.These naturally don’t make money, and it’s not bad to keep a capital anyway. We must not lose the trust of the people.

Jinghan decided to develop the breeding industry in the future.Otherwise, as the people open up more wasteland, there will be more food.If it's just a simple sale of food, the profit here is too low, and you can't make much money.However, if the common people can raise some chickens and pigs, this will consume a lot of food and enrich their lives at the same time.

In addition, it is a matter of adjusting the planting structure. It is not possible to only plant corn and sorghum, but to plant a variety of economic crops.Some of the crops tested this year seem to be okay, nothing serious.Try another year next year, and then you can try to let the common people grow a little more. In this way, can you exchange more money?
When Jinghan thought of this, she felt that the road ahead was really long.Alas, if we really want to make the people rich, we have a long way to go.

With the hot sales of fabrics, the winery also began to sell wine.In this way, the money in Jinghan's hand was slowly released, and Jinghan and Zixuan were truly relieved.It's really thanks to Xingjia and Zhixin being wiser at that time, allowing Changxing to bring back some money, otherwise, I'm afraid even family life would be a problem.After all, Jinghan still has to feed the children now, so the diet should not be too bad, and there are so many people in the house, it is not a small expense.

Jingya sent someone to take away the fourth batch of cloth, and now not only the fire sold in the capital, but also several nearby places are going to buy this kind of woolen cloth.The weather is getting colder. This kind of material is thicker and looks good to wear. Naturally, many people are willing to buy it.

Of course, many merchants from other places were also optimistic about the business opportunities here, so they took the initiative to talk to Jingya.Jingya didn't agree to them. The key is that Jinghan's production here is not that big, and it would be good to only supply the capital and a few nearby states. If it is sold to other places, it may not be enough.

However, Jingya agreed that if possible, she would expand production next year and cooperate with them again at that time.These merchants have no choice but to do so, and some people ask around for the source of this material.There is even a brainy person who bought a piece of this kind of fabric, went back to find someone to study it carefully, and tried to weave it by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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