my host does things all day

Chapter 2667 Teaching newcomers in the underworld how to claim their lives 11

Chapter 2667 Teaching newcomers in the underworld how to claim their lives 11
Her doing so will only arouse the extreme disgust of the scumbag.

It's the kind of people that the police worry about the most.

They knelt down to help the middle-aged woman up, but the woman just lay on the ground crying and couldn't get up.

But the scumbag doesn't have that much time to spend with this woman.

"Comrade police, do you have anything else to ask me? If not, then I can go first, right? This woman has a brain problem, and I don't want to be entangled by her. I am a good citizen who abides by the law , I didn't do anything against public order, if you don't believe me, you can adjust the surveillance to watch, it was this woman who took the initiative to cause trouble from the very beginning."

Hearing the scumbag's words, several policemen looked at each other, seeing contempt in each other's eyes.

Although the behavior of the middle-aged woman gave them a headache, they could tell from her words how scumbag this man was.

And the man's words now prove that he is hopelessly scumbag.

But they didn't have any reason to let the scumbag stay, after all what he said was the truth.

The source of the public disorder is the middle-aged woman, not him.

As for the fake divorce and the mistress, it's beyond their control.

"Okay, you go first." A policeman said helplessly.

"Then thank you comrade policeman." The scumbag turned and left.

Seeing that he was about to leave, the middle-aged woman jumped up to grab him, but was stopped by the police.

"Ma'am, you can't do this anymore," the policeman advised.

"I finally found out that he came here today. If I can't get him to give me an explanation today, it will be difficult for me to catch him in the future! Let me go, please let me go, okay? I want to find him I want an explanation!" The middle-aged woman shouted emotionally.

What else can the police do?
Can they let go of middle-aged women?cannot.

We can't just watch her disturb public order again.

But emotionally speaking, they still want the scumbag to be punished.

The wealth created by the two of them from scratch was actually cheated by the scumbag, and they had already cheated on them.

Who wouldn't get angry or lose control over this kind of thing?
But as policemen, in their hearts, reason is greater than emotion.

All he could do was hold the middle-aged woman tightly and let her watch the scumbag's car drive away, watching Xiaosan sitting in the passenger seat and giving her a triumphant expression.

After the scumbag left, the middle-aged woman felt discouraged all over.

She sat limply and fell to the ground, her expression as dead ashes.

"Ma'am, don't be too sad, it's not good for your health. I think if you have evidence, you should consult a lawyer first to see what the lawyer has to say about this situation." The police suggested.

The middle-aged woman seemed to have been sucked out of her soul, and she seemed to be unable to hear what the police said.

Seeing her like this, the police were also very worried, and discussed whether to send her to the hospital.

And the crowd who had been watching before also gathered around one after another, and a few aunts spoke out to comfort them.

The middle-aged woman suddenly moved.

She took out a wallet that had been used for a long time from her pocket, she opened it, and there was a photo in it.

It's a very old photo of two people, a man and a woman, both young.

The woman was wearing plain clothes, but she was smiling happily and happily.

(End of this chapter)

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