my host does things all day

Chapter 142 Eating, Sleeping, Training the Prince 39

Chapter 142 Eating, Sleeping, Training the Prince 39
"You tease me like this, tell me, how should I punish you?" The big bad wolf Long Lingbei's long and narrow red phoenix eyes raised up, evoking a sexy and deadly temptation.

Xi Ying raised her eyes to look at him, her eyes froze slightly, but her steps continued to step back.



While speaking, Long Lingbei had already hugged Xi Ying, who almost slipped and fell when she stepped on the rolling stone.

Just like in all dog blood idol dramas.

Staring at the familiar face close at hand, Xi Ying's eyes gradually blurred.

That damn strange feeling reappeared in Long Lingbei's heart again.

Why does he always feel that Chu Ruyu sees others through his face?

other people?

Chu Ruyu once said herself that she liked her former self.

Therefore, this other person can only be the self in the previous life.

Thinking of this, Long Lingbei's thoughts came back.

Looking at Xi Ying with fair skin and pink lips in his arms, the tip of his heart couldn't help trembling violently.

Long Tianyao felt that Chu Qing's appearance should only be found in the sky, and it is rare to hear it in the world, so he looked at her so differently at the beginning.

Longlingbei believes that good-looking skins are the same, but interesting souls are one in a million.

In his last life, he was decisive and battle-tested, had been to more places than Long Tianyao, and seen all kinds of beauties.

In Persia, there are countless women who are more delicate and beautiful than Chu Qing.

However, Longlingbei has never been moved once.

But in this life, when he met strange spirits, never did things according to the rules, completely made him unable to guess what he would do next, and said that he liked his former Xi Ying——

Only then did Long Lingbei understand why the heavens gave him a chance to be reborn, and why he had no woman until his death in the last life.

That's because God left the best for the reborn him.

That best person, that interesting soul, is Xi Ying.

These thoughts flashed through Long Lingbei's mind in an instant.

Staring at Xi Ying in his arms, the corners of Long Lingbei's lips slowly raised.

He couldn't help but leaned down, and imprinted his first kiss, which was well preserved in his previous and present lives, on the lips of the little man in his arms.

This fiery and affectionate kiss awakened Xi Ying.

She hurriedly pushed Longlingbei away, wiped her lips desperately and frowned and said, "Longlingbei, my son's sexual orientation is normal, but he likes women! I didn't know you actually like men! Let me warn you, don't take lies as truth! We are all pretending in front of Long Tianyao!"

Xi Ying kept rubbing her lips, as if she wanted to scratch a layer of skin before giving up.

"It's disgusting, it's disgusting! Fortunately, this is not my first kiss!"

[Host, your acting skills seem to be a bit... clumsy. 】Xiao Yiyi tried hard to think of suitable words to describe it.

Isn't the host's acting skills always very good, why is it so exaggerated today?
"Not... first kiss?" After Xi Ying's words, Long Lingbei seemed to have misplaced her focus.

"Yeah, you see that this young master is so handsome, unrestrained and suave, how many people in the Jianghu are crying and shouting to give birth to this young master a monkey, do you know? Seeing you like this, I definitely don't know!
That's enough, I won't tell you anymore, don't wait for me tonight, I'm going to the brothel to talk to the oiran about my ideals and life. "

After finishing speaking, Xi Ying turned her head and left.

Her lightness kung fu is the best in this plane, so she disappeared in three or two steps.

  Dear babies, I am getting fat! ! ! ! !
  Today's recommendation tickets are really flying!Orange juice is going to heaven!

  I showed all your comments to my boyfriend, who looked at me with grievances and said: They are right, you have so little time to date me and you have to bow your head and hold the code words on your mobile phone. I feel wronged in my heart. QAQ
  So I didn't have any code words, and I just concentrated on accompanying him~
  There is one more, wait for me!


(End of this chapter)

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