This movie is so hard to bring

Chapter 208 New Enemy 8

Chapter 208 New Enemy 8
"Xinxi, you have to know that such illusory things as popularity are easy to get over. If you don't take advantage of the high popularity to get on these shows, when your popularity goes down, you won't even be able to get on these shows."

Linda pretended to explain it with sincerity, but in fact she didn't intend to let Jin Xianshan continue filming "The Wife".

She has been running around in various shows and reality shows for a long time, and cannot participate in the filming of "Beautiful Wife". The crew will definitely have objections, and she will be suggested to find a replacement at that time.

When the crew's opinions on her accumulate to a certain point, it will naturally explode.

Soon there will be all kinds of negative news about her playing big names, finding a double, and misappropriating money.

Until then, arrange various scandals and negative news for her, and guarantee that she will become notorious in a short time.

Frowning, Jin Shining looked very embarrassed: "I listen to Sister Linda."

Linda was very happy: "Smart girl, you will have a bright future."

"However, with so many scripts, I need half a month to memorize them. After all, I haven't been on any variety shows or reality shows before. If I screw up, it will be bad for the company and my reputation."

"Up to three days, this is already the limit I can give you."

"Okay." Jin Glitter agreed happily. She deliberately asked for half a month because she knew that Linda would definitely compress.

"Go back and get ready."

"Sister Linda, goodbye."

After leaving Xingtu Entertainment, Jin Shanshan took Nan Yingzhi and started shopping aimlessly.

"It's only a week, if you don't hurry up to film, why go shopping?" Nan Yingzhi kept a cold face along the way, feeling incomprehensible and angry at her behavior.

Jin Shining gestured at the clothes in the mirror, and asked with a smile, "Xiao Zhi, which one looks better?"

"Gold glitter!"

"They all seem to be pretty good. Your red one, and mine's blue one, let's try it." After finishing speaking, Jin Shining forced Nan Yingzhi, who looked reluctant, into the fitting room.

"Jin Shining, what the hell are you doing?" Nan Yingzhi shook off her hand angrily, feeling that she had gone too far. There were so many people waiting for her in the production team, but she was shopping here!

"Someone is following us. Linda will definitely not let me film smoothly, so I need your help." Jin Xingxing explained in a low voice while taking off her clothes.

Nan Yingzhi was stunned, she didn't even notice...

Not noticing her reaction, Jin Xingxuan continued to explain: "I have sent text messages to Su Liyue and Lin Shuiyi, and they will be here soon."

Fortunately, the people who followed them were all men, so they couldn't enter the fitting room.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, two long and two short.

Knowing that it was Su Liyue and Lin Shuiyi who came, Jin Xingshan quickly opened it, took the clothes and changed them.

"Xiao Zhi, after a while you and Su Liyue who pretends to be me go out first and go directly to her house. Her house is just downstairs from the apartment where I used to live. As long as the elevator presses the floor of my house, those people will not suspect it. "

"Lin Shuiyi and I will go to the shooting scene later, and on the last day, I will go to change identities with Su Liyue."

"Okay." Nan Yingzhi knew that she couldn't help at all right now, so she could only try not to make trouble.

After Nan Yingzhi and Su Liyue left, Jin Shanshan and Lin Shuiyi went straight to the shooting scene.

After all, they are partners who have gone through ups and downs together, and the rest of the crew understands Jin Xingxing's current situation very well, and concentrates her scenes on these seven days of filming, working almost day and night.

On the sixth night, Jin Xingxian finally finished filming all the scenes.

As soon as her tense spirit was relaxed, she felt dizzy and weak, and fell straight backwards.

 [Three chapters first today, and double what I owe in the future, okay~]
(End of this chapter)

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