This movie is so hard to bring

Chapter 116 Don't you know if you try it?

Chapter 116 Don't you know if you try it?
Jin Anli smiled gently: "The Rising Star Competition is a national competition. In the future, you will not only face players from your own division, but also strong players from all over the country."

"Many contestants have already entered the entertainment industry, have works, connections, and are well-known. Pure rookies are at a disadvantage. If you don't strengthen your professionalism, it will be difficult to break through. You are determined to enter this circle, and you have such a good opportunity. If you don't fight, Don't you feel sorry?"

That gentle voice was very nice, and Jin Xingxing couldn't help liking this serious and responsible teacher from the bottom of her heart.

"You're right, do your best to obey the destiny, so you won't regret it for the rest of your life."

She was originally worried that the teacher came for Sheng Yifan and didn't really teach her, so she said those words on purpose, but the result was beyond her expectation.

Jin Anli nodded in satisfaction: "I will definitely try my best to teach you."

The two looked at each other and smiled, both full of affection for each other.

Since then, one has taught extremely seriously, and the other has studied very hard.

Jin Xingshan practiced the same movement dozens of times, dozens of times, and didn't stop until she was satisfied.

For a micro-expression, she carefully sculpted it dozens of times until it was able to impress the talent.

Talented and willing to endure hardships, she is destined to make rapid progress.

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed, and there are still three days before the Rising Star Competition.

"You are improving so fast, I have nothing left to teach you. Come on, I believe you will be able to break out of your own world in the future." Jin Anli smiled and looked at the encouragement, and liked her very much.

It won't be long before Jin Sparkle will definitely become a rising superstar, and I look forward to the day when they cooperate!

Jin Shining bowed to her respectfully: "Teacher, thank you, what I have learned in the past half month is enough to benefit me for the rest of my life."

"I'm leaving first. I'll go to see you on the day of the game. Work hard!"

"Thank you, teacher."

After sending Jin Anli away, Jin Xingshan did not relax, and reviewed what she had learned one by one.

Just as she was dancing with her head sideways, a pair of big hands grasped her.

"Holy Translation Fan?"

"After half a month of learning, can you still step on your feet?" While speaking, Sheng Yifan started to follow her dance steps, without losing the beat, as if they were dancing together from the beginning.

"You'll know if you try it?" Thinking that Sheng Yifan was testing her, Jin Xingxing wanted to show it with great interest, and didn't even notice that his dancing was so perfect, it was comparable to a professional.

Seeing her eagerness to try, the smile in Sheng Yifan's eyes grew stronger: "I hope my feet won't be swollen."

"I'm afraid that you will step on me at that time."

"Speak wildly."

"It's not certain who is crazy!"


While fighting each other, the two danced together in tacit understanding, as if they had rehearsed countless times, and as if they were born like this.

The music was melodious and the dance was beautiful. The two danced like that, forgetting the passage of time, and only had each other's beautiful smiles.

On the other hand, because Jin Shanshan didn't show up for half a month, Han Linlin and the others took it for granted that she disappeared because she offended Sheng Yifan, and couldn't help but congratulate her.

"Jin Shining, that coward, fighting against me, really overestimated himself!"

Li Yannuo stroked her furiously: "She's here, but she's just serving as a foil for you, cannon fodder is cannon fodder, and won't pose any threat to you!"

"But it's an eyesore." Han Linlin thumped his chest shyly, "Don't touch me all the time. After all, I'm your brother's woman. You won't be happy if he sees you like this."

(End of this chapter)

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