Queen is fearless

Chapter 567 Worry

Chapter 567 Worry
Inside the palace, Zhou Jing walked with Gu Jinzhi as usual.

"Looking at it recently, the emperor doesn't seem to be in good spirits. Is it because I always disturb you when I sleep at night, making you sleep well?"

As the days went by, Gu Jinzhi's months became longer and longer.

When the month is small, I don't feel much. When the month gets older, the physical feeling becomes more and more obvious.

The enlarged stomach will cause some pressure, but if you drink more water, you may wake up frequently at night.

Besides, occasionally, Gu Jinzhi would wake up with leg cramps and pain.

Huai Yuancheng had these symptoms when he was with Yuan Zhen.

Originally, Gu Jinzhi meant to let Zhou Jing live in the Piandian, or temporarily live in Longgan Palace.

But Zhou Jing disagreed. He had experienced the nights during Gu Jinzhi's pregnancy and knew what it was like. He felt sorry for Gu Jinzhi's suffering because of her pregnancy, so he insisted on staying with her.

At night, although he fell asleep, Zhou Jing was very vigilant, and whenever Gu Jinzhi felt uncomfortable, Zhou Jing would wake up immediately.

If Gu Jinzhi wanted to go conveniently, he would help her go; if her legs were cramped, he would sit by her feet and rub her calves patiently.

Many times, Gu Jinzhi would sigh with emotion, when a woman is pregnant, does the man who can see her most clearly love her?

In modern times, Gu Jinzhi had heard many examples.

The wife is pregnant, because the month is old, there are often uncomfortable times at night.

Under such circumstances, the husband is not only not around, but also takes the initiative to live separately from his wife because he dislikes his wife for being too noisy.

This is even more so after the child is born. If the child cries for a long time, he will attribute such things to his wife's incompetence.

Because of his incompetence, he made the child cry endlessly. He would not think about how hard it is for his wife to take care of the child, and how difficult it is for the child.

Because of all these, Gu Jinzhi once decided that he would not get married.

But she likes children, so she will find another way to have a child of her own.

Anyway, with advanced technology, there are many ways for women to have children of their own.

However, without waiting for these things to happen, Gu Jinzhi came to ancient times, met Zhou Jing, and had a child of his own.

Not only that, Zhou Jing was completely different from the men she knew in the past.

Even if she took the initiative to ask him to sleep separately from her, Zhou Jing would not agree. He insisted on staying with her as much as possible during her pregnancy, and comforting her patiently instead of reprimanding her impatiently when she was uncomfortable.

"No, I slept well, don't worry." Zhou Jing said with a smile, comforting Gu Jinzhi.

Although he may wake up a few times at night, the overall sleep is still good.

As for his poor spirits, it was probably because his appetite was not very good after the weather got hot and he was busy with court affairs, so his spirits were not good.

"Yun Zheng often comes to ask for my pulse. There is nothing wrong with my health." Yun Zheng's medical skills are very good. He is mainly responsible for the emperor's physical condition. He has never said that there is anything wrong with the emperor.

"That's good." Gu Jinzhi nodded, still worried.

After thinking about it, she decided to call Yun Zheng to Fengyang Palace tomorrow and ask him carefully.

After walking around for a while, Gu Jinzhi felt a little tired, so Zhou Jing accompanied her back to Fengyang Palace.

"It's the end of May. The Princess of Jin must have arrived at the border. In a few months, she will be able to come to the capital."

"According to the days, maybe I will give birth at that time, maybe I can go to drink the wedding wine of the second brother."

It is a good thing for elder brother to get married, and Gu Jinzhi looks forward to it very much.

However, her confinement period is between September and October. After giving birth, she still has to confine herself to confinement. It is not certain whether she will be able to drink wedding wine.

It's hot today, and after sweating, they feel very uncomfortable. Zhou Jing and Gu Jinzhi took a bath and tidied up, and then lay on the bed together.

Gu Jinzhi was talking to him, but there was no response for a long time. When he turned his head to look, the sound of breathing around him was very even, and he seemed to have fallen asleep.

Distress flashed between her brows, Gu Jinzhi put her hand on Zhou Jing's arm, she felt that it was because of her that Zhou Jing was so tired now.

During the recent period, the court affairs are not considered busy, and the situation in various places is good. It stands to reason that the emperor should not be so tired.

Therefore, it is most likely because of his own relationship that he can't sleep well, and the previous incident, the loss of his body, has not been fully recuperated.

In short, no matter what, Yun Zheng will be called tomorrow to ask.

This night, perhaps because he was worried about Zhou Jing's body, Gu Jinzhi tried his best to hold back and not let himself get up.

Fortunately, there were no leg cramps, and she didn't get up until Zhou Jing left.

"Your Majesty, I didn't seem to hear you getting up last night?" Qingluan and Hongxiu and the others alternated vigil. Last night was Qingluan, she slept very lightly, and usually woke up when there was a sound in the inner room.

Last night, she didn't hear any sound and fell asleep until dawn.

"En." Gu Jinzhi replied, a little listless, she didn't sleep well last night.

"I'll go to the Imperial Hospital in a while and invite Imperial Physician Yun. I have something to ask him." Gu Jinzhi yawned after giving the order.

I can only wait until the daytime to catch up on sleep.

After breakfast, Yun Zheng was invited to Fengyang Palace, and after saluting, he was going to ask the empress for pulse.

"No need, Yun Ni just came here yesterday, let's sit down and talk about it." After ordering Yun Zheng to sit down, Gu Jinzhi didn't beat around the bush, and asked directly about the emperor's physical condition.

Suddenly hearing the queen's question, Yun Zheng was a little surprised. He has been in charge of the emperor's body, and he is very sure that there is no problem with the emperor's body.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, although there were some losses before, they have all been made up, and there will be no physical problems."

"That's it... But look at me, the emperor's spirit has not been very good recently, and it seems to have lessened a bit. Is it really all right?"

"Returning to the empress, maybe it's because of the hot weather, so I don't have a good appetite, and I feel lighter. As for what the empress said, the spirit is not good. The lower officials dared to guess that it might be because the empress would get up at night, so the emperor couldn't sleep well."

Seeing that the emperor was not in good spirits before, Yun Zheng deliberately looked at and asked about it, and he thought it was very possible, and this was the reason.

After all, judging from the pulse condition, there is nothing wrong with the emperor's body.

"Succeed, I know, the emperor's body, I will trouble you. Speaking of which, is your master still in Huaibei?"

Yunzheng's master is exactly Yunniang. When she was pregnant, she was taken care of by Yunniang. After she gave birth, Yunniang also helped to take care of her.

She and her mother are close friends in the boudoir, and thanks to this, she can take care of her.

Last night, Gu Jinzhi suddenly thought of her, thinking that this time the second brother got married, maybe Yunniang could come to the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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