Queen is fearless

Chapter 550 Untitled

Chapter 550 Untitled
"Are you excited?" Sitting beside Jin Jiu, Yuning turned to look at her.

I am about to go to Dazhou, and it will take about a few months to reach the Dazhou Pass.

After that, after walking for a few more months, you will reach the capital of Dazhou.

"I can't say what it feels like. I was looking forward to it before, but now, it's a bit complicated."

Jin Country is Jin Jiu's hometown, the place where she grew up, is about to leave, and she is full of reluctance.

But she has grown up, and she is even a mother. Whether it is for herself or for her children, she should go to Dazhou.

Indeed, she can stay in the state of Jin. With her status, she can find a suitable son-in-law and let Xiaoman recognize him as his father.

Anyway, Xiaoman is still young, so he doesn't even know who his real father is.

But if she marries someone else, she can't just let the other party bear the title of son-in-law and give nothing else.

If it is given, then in the future, she may become pregnant again.

At that time, Xiaoman will give birth to a half brother or sister.

People are selfish, even if that person was nice to Xiao Man before, he would change after having his own child.

This is unfair to Xiaoman, and it is actually unfair to Gu Shenzhi who is far away in Dazhou.

Of course, it's also unfair to the one who became a son-in-law, because she might not love him.

"I found that after becoming a mother, I think about many things. Before, I never thought about many things."

Resting her head on Yuning's shoulder, Jin Jiu muttered to herself.

"I'm actually quite looking forward to it. When I get to the Great Perimeter Pass, if I have the opportunity to meet Gu Anzhi, especially the boy from the Xun family, what kind of situation will it be like after meeting Gu Anzhi?"

Thinking of this, she thought it would be funny, so she laughed.

"No conscience." She came to talk with Jin Jiu, and it could be seen that Jin Jiu was a little anxious these days.

But in the end, he was found happy by Jin Jiu.

This time she went to Da Zhou, she would definitely follow, no matter what the reason was, what she didn't expect was that Prince Xun Xiao was also in the team.

When he arrives in Da Zhou and sees Gu Anzhi, he will definitely be able to see that Gu Anzhi is that person, when the time comes...

Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

"I wonder if Gu Anzhi can recognize you all at once?" Yuning's change is really too great.

If it wasn't for the fact that she had seen her change back to her original appearance with her own eyes, and she had remembered her eyes, she might not have been able to recognize her immediately even if they met each other.

Jin Jiu can't guess what will happen to Gu Anzhi, and he will only know after they meet.


On February [-], the dragon raises its head, and the folks call this day the Dragon Head Festival.

Yuan Cheng and Yuan Zhen were born on this day, and today is their second birthday.

Gu Jinzhi arranged everything a long time ago, instead of following the previous rules, she planned a birthday party for Yuan Cheng and Yuan Zhen according to what she wanted.

At the birthday banquet of the brothers and sisters, there were children from the royal clan's family and the minister's family, all of whom were about the same age as Yuan Cheng and Yuan Zhen.

In addition, there are many toys, which are relatively rare gadgets.

Maybe it's nothing to children outside the palace, but to Yuan Cheng and Yuan Zhen inside the palace, it's rare.

There is also a big cake in the hall, which was made by Bai Zhi according to Gu Jinzhi's memory.

The shape is very cute, and the taste is also good. I don't know how many times I broke it before I finally succeeded.

To hold such a birthday party, Gu Jinzhi has his own ideas and selfishness.

When Yuan Cheng and Yuan Zhen are three or four years old, they will be enlightened, especially Yuan Cheng, he will definitely.

At that time, he will be selected to accompany him in the court.

It is impossible to choose from the Gu family, because the elder brothers are not yet married. Although the second elder brother will be this year, it is not certain when the child will be born.

The companion to choose is either about the same age as Yuan Cheng, or a little older than him, in short, not younger than him.

Coincidentally, through the birthday banquet, the children who will come to the palace can take a closer look and make a screening in advance.

The emperor knew what Gu Jinzhi was thinking, and he very much agreed with it. It's a matter of time, and it's okay to see it sooner.

Every year in the future, Yuan Cheng and Yuan Zhen will celebrate their birthdays, and people can bring children of appropriate age from their family into the palace.

It is said that when children are three years old and they are old, through observation, they can always find the right candidate.

Yuan Cheng was sitting on a chair, eating the cake in front of him earnestly, Yuan Zhen's laughter kept coming, and she was playing with several children of similar age.

Although she is small, she has the potential to be a king of children. Any type of child seems to be well-behaved when they come to her.

This made Gu Jinzhi often wonder whether Yuan Zhen also came through it.

But after testing, she found that her doubts were unnecessary.

The atmosphere in the hall was not bad, the adults were there, but they could only surround the children, not move forward.

Since it was a brother and sister's birthday party, it was natural that the children were the main event. What the adults could do was to bring the children into the palace.

Occasionally, there will be those who cry loudly. They are all children who are spoiled at home. Even if they enter the palace, they don't realize that this is a completely different place from home.

If anyone cries, they will be temporarily taken away by the palace people, and will be sent back after coaxing them to stop crying.

Fights are also possible, but there are palace people watching, so there will be no surprises.

Generally speaking, everything is relatively perfect. Although there are occasional uncontrollable factors, they can be brought under control soon.

At night, when the palace regained its calm, Zhou Jing sat beside Gu Jinzhi and asked her what she thought about today's events.

"Look at how many children there are, they play very well with Yuan Zhen and Yuan Cheng, and they are not afraid of strangers."

Children who are afraid of birth will be taken out of the palace soon after entering the palace.

A child who can become the companion of the prince and princess must be outstanding in all aspects.

"However, they are still young, so don't rush to make a conclusion. There will still be choices in the next year or two."

Children look different every year, maybe this year is not bad, and next year they will become bear children.

After all, they are still young, uncertain, and any factors may lead to changes in all aspects of children.

"Speaking of being afraid of strangers, I found that Yuan Cheng and Yuan Zhen are not afraid at all, regardless of how many people are in the hall, what to do or what to do."

In contrast, Yuan Zhen loves the excitement more, Yuan Cheng can bear the excitement and has no obvious preference, but he is more calm.

"By the way, Feng's side..." During this period of time, Gu Jinzhi has been busy with the children's affairs, and Gu Jinzhi almost forgot about Feng Guibin.

It was still today, and I heard Qingluan mention it, so I remembered it.

"Before I sent someone to investigate the Feng family, there was already news. In the past few days, we will see if there is any action from the Feng family..."

(End of this chapter)

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