Divorce 365 times

Chapter 784 Temptation

Chapter 784 Temptation (7)

The electric kettle that just stopped, still braving the aftertaste of "woo woo".

The room was very quiet, only the green tea was still smelling leisurely.

In the dense fragrance, Ji Liunian looked at Ye Zhiqiu on the opposite side, he couldn't see clearly, as if he was meeting her for the first time, he looked at her in disbelief!
This, this is what Ling Yichuan said, that gentle and gentle mother who is extremely tolerant to him, who will only support him in doing things, and will never object to him finding a girlfriend with slightly worse conditions - a reasonable mother?
As soon as he opened his mouth, he despised her character, her background, the scandal between her and Bai Yucheng, and despised her for using their Ling family's money.

But now, is it even more straightforward to use money to get her to leave?

"Tell me, how much money is suitable?" Ye Zhiqiu's eyes were cold, with a look of contempt on his face.

Ji Liunian didn't answer, but Ye Zhiqiu continued: "Don't worry, as long as you leave my son, I can even out all the things he gave you - including jewelry, real estate, and the accounts of your father's company. In addition, I will give you a sum of money! Guarantee that you, father and daughter, have no worries about food and clothing. By the way, you have a mother in a vegetable state, right? Her hospitalization expenses can also be applied to our Ling's Charity You don't need to worry about her medical expenses in the future."

Ye Zhiqiu also said: "Miss Ji, the information I have obtained is definitely much more than you imagined! I know that you and that man surnamed Bai may not really be lovers. However, you and him cannot have any affection. Not at all, it's definitely not just a simple high school classmate relationship! I also know - you chose my son instead of Bai Yucheng because of your mother's illness, right?"

When mentioning her mother's illness, Ji Liunian tensed up slightly!Ye Zhiqiu also sneered: "I heard that my son, in order to save your mother, entrusted relationships everywhere. He not only donated a large sum of money to the German doctor, but also entrusted Feng Lin to Leng's house in Yancheng. Xue shot? If it wasn't my son, relying on the face and relationship of that white boy, can you help you hire such a person to treat your mother?"

Ye Zhiqiu further said: "When you were with my son at the beginning, it seemed that you were not so voluntary? Of course, this is your way of refusing to welcome him, hanging him, or you really didn't like my son at first, I don't want to go I don't care. But, until recently, you didn't announce your relationship with him. Is this because you finally got his appetite, or are you just grateful that he appeared by your side like a 'savior' and saved you both? , but you don’t have much affection for him?”

"Yes, I am very grateful to him!" Ji Liunian immediately shouted, "I came to thank him for helping my father's company turn the corner, and secondly, thank him for helping to hire a famous doctor to treat my mother. Thirdly, thank him for his support When my father and I were kidnapped, he saved us! But, I am true to him now..."

Ye Zhiqiu looked calm: "You don't have to tell me this. I don't want to hear it either. All I want now is that you leave my son right away! As long as you don't want too much, you can set a price and I will Here you go. Tell me! 1000 million? 2000 million? Or 3000 million?"

Ji Liunian just clenched his fists and stared at her coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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