Divorce 365 times

Chapter 767 Say You Love Me

Chapter 767 Say You Love Me (4)

33?What is this?Ji Liunian frowned and thought about it, the two of them had known each other for more than 33 days.

So what's so tricky about the number "33"?
Ji Liunian didn't bother to guess, so he turned around and asked Ling Yichuan directly: "What is '33'? It's not my birthday, it's not the time we met, it's not the days when we got along... It's not my nickname or anything like that. What is it? Never...is this your ex-girlfriend or something?"

If so, she decided to scratch him to death on the spot!Never give him a chance to survive, she swears!

Ling Yichuan just smiled: "Look again."

"I won't watch it! I don't want to guess!" Ji Liunian lost his temper and pushed him away angrily, "If you don't tell me, you will guess slowly by yourself!"

No sound, no matter how good the show is, it won't come out.Without a cooperative audience, no one will watch Ling Yichuan's gossip formation here.

He looked at the angry Ji Liunian, and never thought that this woman was so lazy that she didn't even bother to guess what he was thinking. ——Actually, he doesn’t need to guess at all, he has only one thought——like her.

Just as she was speaking, the ball of light behind her began to explode again.This time, compared to the previous shocking one by one, like a spring thunder, two exploded at once!The double explosions startled Ji Liunian, and he threw himself into Ling Yichuan's arms.

She was startled just now, and her eyes flickered.As soon as she threw herself into Ling Yichuan's arms, she immediately became small and pitiful. She waved her small fist and hammered Ling Yichuan's chest one after another: "I let you scare me! I've said it all, so I won't guess! Fireworks also destroy the environment, It caused smog! Why are you like this! You are not willing to tell me what happened!"

Ling Yichuan was almost out of laughter, and he didn't usually see Ji Liunian as such a conscientious "environmentalist".He smiled and said, "Turn your head, you will know what that number was just now!"

"I don't want it." Ji Liunian wrinkled her little nose at him, but she really looked back for a moment-not to mention, she saw the two big flowers in the sky The flowers have slowly dispersed.Under the rustling waterfall, two figures appeared——
"4, 4?" Ji Liunian was taken aback, and read together with the two people before him: "33, 44—" She read this far, and almost guessed what he wanted to say.

Ling Yichuan smiled, "Yes, I originally wanted to use '1314', '1314', forever, but I'm very greedy, I always feel that if there is really reincarnation, I will only be with you for the rest of my life. What a disadvantage. I am a businessman, and the nature of a businessman is to use the smallest investment to obtain the greatest return. In this life, I have spent too much effort to be with you. In the next life, as long as I tick my little finger, I will I can catch you!"

"Bah! Shameless, you can fight back!" Ji Liunian blushed, but he didn't want him to be so happy, and his voice was a little soft, "I don't want to follow you forever. How bad luck have I suffered in this life? Met a local bully like you! It's miserable enough to be occupied by you in this life. In the next life, I must find a man who is gentler and more considerate than you, and who treats me a thousand times better than you!"

(End of this chapter)

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