Divorce 365 times

Chapter 519 Rescue

Chapter 519 Rescue (5)

"Where did Fleeting Year go! Tell me!" Ling Yichuan had eaten his heart, and Chen Yu said: "She, she just went back to the ward, talked with her mother for a while, and then left."

"How long has she been gone!"

"It... seems to be a while, half an hour?"

"Damn it!" Ling Yichuan was going crazy with anger!half an hour!Who knows where she went in half an hour?What if those thugs attack her?
"Hurry up and find me! If something happens to her, I'll kill you!" Ling Yichuan was going crazy, stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped away on the road.

However, at this time, it happened to be after four o'clock in the afternoon, and some bustling roads had already encountered traffic jams.Ling Yichuan looked at the cars all over the street and wished he could run over by himself!He also ran a red light, but the traffic jams all over the street could not be relieved, so angry that he wanted to kill someone!
"Bastard!" It was another road, and Ling Yichuan's car was stuck in the middle of the road, moving slowly with the traffic.At this moment, he was covered by his anger, and without thinking too much, he called Ji Liunian again, but still turned off the phone.

Over there, I called Summer, and she was about to cry: "I can't find anyone! Liu Nian's cell phone has been turned off. I'm downstairs at your house, trying to ring the doorbell, but the community security said that Ms. Ji has not come back. I will immediately Go to the house that Miss Ji rented to see!"

"Bastard!" Ling Yichuan jumped angrily, where, where, where would she go?

"Could it be... She has a connection with Bai Yucheng?" Beside, Lian Sihan was also anxious, and suddenly threw out the news.

Originally thought that Ling Yichuan would ignore him, but who knew that Ling Yichuan was so angry that he actually turned pale and called Bai Yucheng.

Over there, it took a long time to dial the phone.Bai Yucheng didn't have Ling Yichuan's mobile phone number, and it was very strange when he got connected: "Hi, may I ask who you are?"

Ling Yichuan didn't have time to be polite to him: "I'm Ling Yichuan, did she contact you just now?"

Bai Yucheng was taken aback, and looked out of the window, as if there was a strange feeling of time passing: "What do you mean by that? Fleeting time, what happened to her?"

As soon as Ling Yichuan heard his doubtful tone, he knew that Bai Yucheng was definitely not lying!Ji Liunian didn't look for him!

"It's okay!" Just as he was about to hang up, Bai Yucheng suddenly noticed something, and immediately yelled at Ling Yichuan on the phone: "Did something happen in Fleeting Years! Where is she! What did you do to her! Ling Yichuan! Ling—"

"Dudu" the phone was hung up, Bai Yucheng was going crazy with anger, could it be that Ling Yichuan did something to her again, that's why she left?
No, he can't wait here. He called Ji Liunian while the phone was turned off. He immediately dialed Summer without saying a word: "Has Liu Nian disappeared! Where is Ling Yichuan, where did he go! Do you know that! "

Summer was completely stunned, and Bai Yucheng was still yelling into the phone: "You better tell me quickly! Now, immediately! The most important thing is, if you want to find Fleeting Years, you must find her as soon as possible! Hurry up!"

Summer hesitated before answering: "President Ling...President Ling should go to Ren'ai Hospital, right?"

"Ren'ai Hospital?" He had heard that Ji Liunian's mother was hospitalized, and she might indeed go there.Bai Yucheng also hung up the phone neatly, and rushed out without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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