Divorce 365 times

Chapter 505 Between Love and Not Love Chapter 15

Chapter 505 Between Love and Not Love (577) Chapter 15

It was the first time for them to see Ling Yichuan like this - it seemed like the little boy who had just been rescued from a kidnapping case more than ten years ago, arming himself with fierce eyes and fierce movements.But when no one was around, he hid in the dark and shivered slightly.

Leng Yunlin and Yu Zexiao watched from the side, until after a long, long time, in the second half of the night, Xia Xuanyue, from hanging high in the sky, to slowly falling, sprinkled with clear light, Ling Yichuan was extremely excited, and finally Gradually calm down.

This time, the two of them no longer doubted - he should be, really like Shang Ji Liu Nian, right?

No, just liking it may not reach this point.He should be—in love with her.

But Ling Yichuan's problem was not only a problem of his own attitude, but also related to his past experience.It is difficult for him to trust others. Even if he really likes him, he will put on a situation of "I can control" on the surface.Looks like powerful and authoritarian - in fact, it is just a manifestation of extreme self-confidence and lack of trust and love.

If you meet someone with a weak personality, or someone who is born as a commoner and has a lower status than him, maybe you can still accept his domineering "expression of love".But the problem is, even if he only met Ji Liunian face to face, Leng Yunlin could feel that this was a woman with a firm will and strong self-esteem.Maybe she would have a gentle and amiable attitude under normal circumstances, but when encountering things, she had the kind of character that would rather bend than bend, and would rather die than surrender.The more Ling Yichuan pushes her, the further the two of them will go!
I'm afraid Ling Yichuan didn't know this, so he also tried to calm down with Ji Liunian.But he has that kind of irritable personality, and he usually does everything well. Just based on the scene just now, Ji Liunian may believe that he can give her to others for the sake of power and money.This is definitely a huge blow to her!Moreover, according to Ling Yichuan, once she recognizes Ling Yichuan's "despicable and shameless", maybe, she will never believe her!
The two looked at each other and felt a little tricky.They are not the parties involved in this kind of thing, and they don't know how to persuade them.Only, there is only one feeling——

"Yichuan, you said that I am weak and indecisive. I admit that I hurt Qingxue because of it, and because of her, we brothers have a rift." Leng Yunlin nodded, "I also admit that sometimes For women, it is really necessary to be domineering. But I only have one question, and you can answer it after you think it over. "

Ling Yichuan's face was covered with blood, and he didn't wipe it off, but just looked back at him.

"Do you want to continue like this? As you just said, what 'dominant', what 'dominant', and then completely push her to the opposite? Do you want this?"

Ling Yichuan looked at him and didn't speak for a long time.

Leng Yunlin wanted to punch him in the face!This man is owed!

"If you want to ease the relationship, from now on, you can only listen to me!"
Five in the morning.

As soon as Ji Liunian got up, he received a call from the film crew. Don't go there too early this morning, because Yu Zexiao's scene can't be filmed, and we will make unified arrangements in the afternoon.

OK, probably he and Ling Yichuan went to drink flower wine, who cares about him, it's better not to get up early.

Ji Liunian had just put on his pajamas and was about to rest when the doorbell rang.

(End of this chapter)

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