Divorce 365 times

Chapter 485 Chapter 555 Iceberg 1 tip

Chapter 485 Chapter 555 The tip of the iceberg (3)

Ling Yichuan's voice was cold, and even Sihan didn't know what to say.Subconsciously, he always felt that there is no impenetrable wall in the world.However, there are actually only a few people who know about this matter, especially the attending physician, perhaps because he is afraid that too many people will know and it is not easy to take credit for it, except for the nurse who took care of Ji Liunian's mother, An Xiuru, and the nurse. up.

Her mother is now living in a separate ward and can breathe on her own, but she has not regained consciousness. She needs to use a diversion tube to feed her, and she needs a nurse for cleaning.In a single ward, as long as you don't wake up suddenly or move a lot, just a little consciousness is nothing, and it's easy to hide it.

"Small... young master."

"I'm not telling you to kill people, or poisoning you, but I'm asking you to delay a bit so that she wakes up later. Or, even if she is conscious, try to delay her full recovery. It's up to you to be anxious." Ling Yichuan also I don't want to hurt anyone, let alone kill.If this matter is done well, it will be "sending carbon in the snow", and if it is not done well, it will be "revenge for killing the mother". He is not that stupid.

"I see." Lian Sihan took a deep breath, "So Miss Ji should keep it a secret?"

"That's natural. Otherwise, why would I ask you to do all this?" Ling Yichuan said, hung up the phone, dealt with the matter for a long time, and then went to the bedroom.

The moment he was about to open the door, his fingers hesitated slightly, but after a long time, he still pushed the door open.

Ji Liunian leaned against the head of the bed, eyes closed.Although she was wearing pajamas, the quilt was still crookedly covering her body.Obviously, she was just sitting here crooked for a while, not sleeping seriously.

When Ling Yichuan entered the door, perhaps the sound of pushing the door was a bit loud, she suddenly woke up, yawned, opened her sleepy eyes, and looked at Ling Yichuan next to her: "Are you back?"

"Yeah." Ling Yichuan took off his coat and put it on the hanger. He was originally angry at Ji Liunian, but maybe it was because he did something just now, maybe it was something "not good" for her family , and his mood eased a lot: "Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I..." Ji Liunian regretted it more and more.One is that I don't want to offend him, the "financial master", and the other is that it would be even more unlucky to offend him, and he has been very kind to her during this time.Just imagine, a person turned down his job and ran all the way to accompany her, but she scolded him in surprise, no matter how she thought about it, she felt that she was wrong.

"What do you have to say?" Ling Yichuan's tone hadn't softened yet, he just asked her when he saw her hesitating to speak.

"I..." Ji Liunian looked at him and said after a long time: "I just... that call... I didn't mean it, I drank too much alcohol. So, if I said something bad... I'm sorry."

Ling Yichuan was taken aback, this was the first time Ji Liunian apologized to him!

He asked her again: "Then why did I tell you to run away just now? Are you still fighting with me?"

"I...I scolded you, scolded so badly, I..." Ji Liunian raised her head, seeing that Ling Yichuan's tense nerves relaxed slightly, she breathed out.

Well, although Ling Yichuan was still a little awkward in his heart, after listening to her explanation, he did feel a little better.

(End of this chapter)

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