Divorce 365 times

Chapter 451 Chapter 518 Follow-up

Chapter 451 Chapter 518 Follow-up (6)

Yu Bolan glanced at the document bag, but didn't speak.He didn't think Ling Yichuan could come up with anything worth impressing him.A contract with the Ji family?Still can make any profit?No matter how you think about it, it is unlikely!

It seems that Ji Liunian is not enough for Ling Yichuan to pay for her to settle this matter, right?
But Ling Yichuan just acted foolishly, and he wasn't angry when he saw Yu Bolan's expressionless face.It happened that a servant came to store the water, and he still had the mood to say, "The temperature of your tea is too low to make it taste good."

The man shook his hands, and immediately turned around after hearing the words: "I, I'll go heat it up."

Yu Bolan frowned, and it took a long time before he opened his mouth: "Yichuan, we already know what happened this time. Think about it, we have no fate with that child. It has already happened, and we won't go to the police station File the case. That's it."

That said, although he, like Chen Yiqun, did not think that Ji Liunian intentionally caused Xu Xiner to have a miscarriage, but it was also her fault.

Of course, with the chaos these days, he didn't offer to help clarify this matter.

Yu Nuanxue asked unwillingly: "Cousin, why do you always come here because of this woman! Even if she signed a contract with you, you and us are relatives!"

Yu Bolan just glanced at her daughter: "Nuanxue. Your cousin has your cousin's concerns. Don't bother him anymore."

Although that's what he said, but the tone clearly felt that Ling Yichuan was turning his elbows a little.After all, they are in-laws, and Ling Yichuan helped out many times before, why this time, just because the Ji family cooperated with them, he favored an outsider so much?
Even if Ji Liunian was engaged to the Yu family, the engagement was broken later, and she still reported that kind of thing to Bai Yucheng.Now that the two have not become enemies, it is already very good.It was impossible to treat her with the same unconcern as before.

Ji Liunian also understood.So when he came in, he didn't treat Bai Lan as much as he did in the past, but he still had some respect.Although he is eccentric, he has always been kind to himself.

Instead, Yu Yichen raised his head, glanced at Ling Yichuan, and then at Ji Liunian.Today's Ji Liunian is wearing a black dress with a white woolen coat outside.The extreme contrast between black and white fully highlights her good complexion.She was already very good-looking, and these days she and Ling Yichuan were in harmony. The original dignified brows and eye corners were a little more charming than words for no reason, which made people itch.Although she was still the same as in the past, she lowered her head and did not express her opinion.Maybe it's because of "overwork" these days, when she went out, she put on a light layer of powder, but she looked overwhelmed and a little pale.The slight melancholy between the brows is as ethereal as a cloud.Yu Yichen was used to her strength and arrogance, and when she occasionally felt sad, she looked more delicate and pitiful than a woman like Xu Xiner who was always crying.

When Yu Yichen saw her appearance, he thought that she hadn't been doing well these few days.

That's right, how can it be good to be blamed by thousands of people?

I don't know why, seeing her slightly frowning brows, he wished he could rush up and gently push her brows away, wanting her to smile carefreely like before.

In a trance, I only heard Ling Yichuan say:

(End of this chapter)

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