Chapter 1795 Homework 2
Su Jinghe couldn't help but itch in his heart because of this thin-faced and pretty look, and said with a smile: "Baby, I now—"

"How's your drinking capacity?" Fang Qing raised her eyebrows and raised her eyes, feeling disgusted for no reason.

She has long known that he is a merciless guy, and she has not resisted his intimacy and teasing these days since they got married.

However, when she thought about which other woman he was hugging or even which two or which three were making out yesterday, she couldn't stand him teasing her again.

However, it is impossible for her to refuse clearly!

After all, he is her husband.

She has never forgotten the words of marrying and following her husband, and she has no intention of completely overturning this sentence.

So, she asked such a question out of the blue.

Sure enough, this sentence made Su Jinghe startled, and then his attention was diverted, and he smiled proudly: "I drink very well! It's not me, there are not many people in Shuangliu County who can drink more than me!"

At least, among his friends and buddies, there are only two who can drink him.

Fang Qing smiled sweetly and said, "Really? Then let's bet on this, drink! Whoever gets drunk first loses, what?"

Su Jinghe was stunned, then burst out laughing, and said with a smile: "Honey, doesn't this make it clear that I'm taking advantage of you? I won't be ashamed if I won't win! But,"

Of course, he wished that he won so that she would listen to him in the future. He smiled and said: "Since this is a precious daughter-in-law, it is better to obey your orders than to be respectful to your husband! When the time comes, just don't play tricks!"

"No!" Fang Qing smiled and said: "Then it's settled, let's bet on this! I don't think we need to wait until night, how about we bet later?"

Su Jinghe's interest was aroused by her, how could he still remember the thought of being full and warm?Then she let Fang Qing go, nodded with a smile and said, "Okay! Right now!"

Fang Qing smiled, and the two got up without mentioning it.

First went to Mrs. Su's place to invite Ann, and the two came back to have breakfast, Fang Qing asked someone to bring all the prepared wine, and set out two large white porcelain bowls - used to hold the wine.

Looking at the big white porcelain bowl, Su Jinghe was even more arrogant. He couldn't help giving Fang Qing a thumbs up and said with a smile, "My wife is just different, she's bold!"

Fang Qing smiled and said, "We're trying to drink more, not just for fun, so it's more convenient to use this, isn't it?"

She ordered someone to open all the jars of wine, and retreated from the servants, and said with a smile: "Husband, let's start!"

"Okay!" Feeling excited and fresh, Su Jinghe picked up a wine jar with a smile, weighed it, and it weighed about eight catties.

Smiling and pouring the wine into two empty bowls, Fang Qing smiled and lightly picked up a bowl to offer to Su Jinghe, and said with a smile: "Husband, please!"

"Thank you, lady!" Su Jinghe took it with a smile, and his eyes followed her all the time, but seeing her smiling, her eyes flickering, smelling the aroma of wine, her consciousness was slightly smoked, and her heart felt a little itchy again.

"Please!" Fang Qing picked up the remaining bowl of wine on the table, touched him with a smile, tilted her neck, and drank without stopping.

Su Jinghe opened his mouth, came back to his senses, smiled and shook his head, and then he did it with his neck raised like her.

Then, the two looked at each other and laughed.

"Okay! Come again!" Fang Qing smiled and wanted to pour wine.

After drinking a bowl of wine, Su Jinghe saw that his daughter-in-law's face was flushed slightly, and her eyes seemed a little blurred, so she couldn't help but said, "Madam, why don't we stop drinking, I'll stay in the mansion to accompany you." You can't make it in a month!"

In fact, staying in the mansion, drinking, talking and doing things with her every day seems to be not bad, right?
Fang Qing slapped the hand on her shoulder off, frowned and said: "No! I always keep my word, you are a man, even if everything is bad, you have to keep your word and do it, Otherwise, is he still a man!"

As he said that, he had already poured the wine from the jar, and said with a smile, "Come again!"

Su Jinghe looked at her without moving.

This is the best Qingzhou old wine cellar, at least ten years old. This wine is hot in the mouth, has a strong momentum, and has enough stamina. Ordinary people can get drunk after drinking just one bowl. She is a little girl , no matter how good the alcohol capacity is, how much can you drink?Su Jinghe felt a little pity and couldn't bear it for no reason.

No matter how bastard he is, he can't bear to torment his wife like this!
What's more, generally speaking, this daughter-in-law is very suitable for him.

I don't want to, he is still pitying this side, but he has already picked up the wine glass on the other side—no, the wine bowl invited him to "come again" with a smile!

Su Jinghe could only smile wryly, sighed and picked up the bowl again.

Just like that, the two of them drank five or six bowls at once, and the whole jar of wine was exhausted.

Rao Su Jinghe has always been conceited in his drinking capacity, and at this moment he couldn't bear it any longer, he just felt dizzy and messed up, top-heavy, and swayed while looking at the scene in front of him.

Talking, the tongue is also big.

"My lady! Still, do you want to drink?"

Fang Qing also felt a little dizzy, raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Drink, it's not decided yet, why don't you drink! Come on, I'll fill you up!"

Su Jinghe shook his head with a wry smile, swayed and patted the table and sighed: "My lady, my lady, what do you think you are, a woman, you are so, ruthless, ruthless? I have never, never seen you, you are like this The woman! No! Today I, I must, can't, lose, lose to you! Drink!"

Fang Qing laughed, raised her eyebrows and said, "Okay! Let's see, the two of us, who will have the last laugh!"

After two more bowls, Su Jinghe couldn't do it anymore, and couldn't hold back "Wow!" and retched.

Bending over and retching twice, one couldn't help it, and ran to the side to support the wall and vomited faintly.

He was leaning against the wall and panting heavily, when suddenly a soft little hand patted his back lightly, and a gentle and concerned voice rang in his ears: "Husband, are you alright?"

Su Jinghe was stunned for a moment, never before, a pulse of warmth and warmth flowed slowly from the bottom of his heart, and his whole body was comfortable, as if the nausea and vomiting just now were not so uncomfortable.

He suddenly felt that this person really cared about him!
This is still his wife!
She cares about him, and he thinks she's not bad, so they actually make a pretty good couple, don't they?

Su Jinghe's eyes couldn't help being gentle, he slowly stood up straight, turned to look at Fang Qing, shook his head and smiled and said, "I'm much better now, I'm fine!"

"That's good!" Fang Qing withdrew her hand and said with a smile, "Then shall we continue the competition, or take a break?"

 Another advertisement for the new book "Strategy of the Concubine: The Rules of Survival for the Second Concubine"~~
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(End of this chapter)

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