Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 625 Peering together

Chapter 625 Peering together (1)

Qin Kaiwen's face was slightly red, and there was affection in his eyes. He nodded, "As you said that day, I really met someone who fell in love at first sight in the shopping mall. The two of us are now in a relationship."

"Then congratulations, it seems that you will be able to eat the teacher's wedding candy soon."

"Hehe, when the time comes, we have to ask you, the master, to help us choose an auspicious day." Qin Kaiwen smiled shyly.

"I will definitely pick the best day for you, and it's free, haha."

Yang Zimei laughed.

Qin Kaiwen also smiled.

There has never been such harmony between the two teachers and students.

Qin Kaiwen's cell phone rang, and when he took it out, it was the principal's call.

He just let it ring.

"Go on, just say that you will work hard to persuade me to drop out of school, and I don't want to embarrass you, so I'll just go home now."

Yang Zimei stood up and said, "Don't worry, I can study hard when I go back, and I will repay you with good grades in the exam."

"Student Zimei—"

Qin Kaiwen was very sad to see her pretending to be indifferent.

"Teacher, don't worry about me. Since I can help others, I can also seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Whether it is the Japanese or that shameless Li Sheng, I am not afraid."

Yang Zimei naturally saw Qin Kaiwen's worry and comforted him.

"I hope so. If you need something, remember to call me. The school, I will try my best to help you keep your degree." Qin Kaiwen said helplessly.

"Goodbye, teacher."

Yang Zimei waved to him and walked out of the school gate.

Looking back at the four big characters "Nancheng Middle School" at the school gate, she felt a little emotional.

I remember that when she came to the school gate on the first day, she was very excited.

At that time, she thought that she could live and study in this school without any worries like other people of her age, and then go to high school and university to fulfill her long-cherished wish that she couldn't fulfill in her previous life.

However, fate made it impossible for her to live in peace. In just a few months, one thing after another happened to her, making her overwhelmed and unable to predict her future.

Alas, whether it was the last life or this life, she might not have a safe life.

Pushing the bicycle, I walked slowly on the street outside the school gate.

Unknowingly, I passed by the fortune-telling stall again.

"Girl, I see that your seal is dark and there is a bad omen above your head. There must be troublesome things. Come here and let this fairy look at it for you. This fairy is possessed by a fairy. She can communicate with the aura of heaven and earth, detect the past, predict the future, and bring good luck to you." Avoid evil, if it doesn’t work, absolutely no money will be charged.”

A smooth, slightly crisp female voice sounded.

Yang Zimei took a closer look, and found that the fortune-teller who set up the stall was actually a woman about 20 years old, wearing a rather shabby Taoist costume, with withered hair and a gloomy face.

Seeing her, Yang Zimei thought of her last life again.

I was also here in my last life, pretending to be a Taoist nun to pull people's fortune-telling and divination.

In her memory, she had never met this person when she set up a stall to make magic sticks.

Seeing her staring at him thoughtfully, the Goddess Rod thought that she was beginning to believe what he said, so she put on an even more mysterious look and said to her, "Girl, sit down quickly and let I will help you resolve the bad luck and make your life happy."

(End of this chapter)

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