Chapter 558
Such a powerful woman is a slave, so how powerful is this girl?

Can it solve Li Xiaoming's pregnancy?
After Zhenzi dealt with the cobra, Yang Zimei returned to the ancestral hall.

After drinking water and gruel, Li Xiaoming's energy was much better, but his eyes were like a frightened deer, looking at everyone in fear.

"Xiaoming, don't be afraid, she is very powerful and will save you." Aunt Li comforted her son.

Yang Zimei smiled faintly, squatted down, and felt his pulse.

His pulse condition really showed the happy pulse of a pregnant woman. He stretched out his hand to touch his swollen abdomen and felt it carefully. There was really a fetal heart sound.

"Master, how is it?"

Aunt Li asked nervously.

Yang Zimei signaled her to keep quiet.

She stroked Li Xiaoming's abdomen carefully with her palm, and then opened her eyes to look again.

She discovered that Li Xiaoming's body structure is different from that of ordinary people, and he is a hermaphrodite with bisexual characteristics.

On the surface, he is a boy with male reproductive organs, but in his abdomen, he has the characteristics of a woman's uterus.

No wonder Li Xiaoming's appearance leans towards the femininity of a girl.

However, even if there is a uterus and can conceive, how did this pregnancy come about?

She looked carefully again, but found that the fetus hidden in the womb was very different, it was not like a newborn fetus, but had a certain age, but it was only now gradually developing.

Is it a parasitic fetus?

Regarding parasitic fetuses, she had also read related records in medical arts.

For example, when Aunt Li was pregnant, she was supposed to be pregnant with twins, but due to a problem with the development of one of the embryos, it was parasitic in the other embryo, resulting in some strange phenomena.

There are often related records in the news.

In the case of Li Xiaoming, it should be a parasitic fetus.

However, what is more special than a parasitic fetus is that Li Xiaoming himself is a hermaphrodite.

She couldn't resist calling Master's phone number to inquire.

"Niuniu, is it true that an intersex person is pregnant?" Yuqing's tone was a little excited.

"Yeah." Yang Zimei nodded and said, "Master, what should I do? Should I just perform a laparotomy and take out the embryo inside? The embryo seems to have grown into a human form."

"Niu Niu, do you still remember the record of the Yin Yang Zi He Chariot?" Yu Qing's voice was full of uncontrollable excitement.

"Yin Yang Zihe cart?"

Ziheche, a term in traditional Chinese medicine, refers to the placenta.

Yang Zimei tried hard to recall, remembered, and exclaimed, "Master, you mean that you can use the Yin-Yang Zihe chariot leading to the underworld?"

"Well. Even though it's just a legend, no one has confirmed it. Now, you have this opportunity to meet the Yinyang Zihe Chariot. You might as well try it." Yuqing nodded.


Yang Zimei looked at Li Xiaoming's swollen belly hesitantly, "The fetus inside has been developing for about eight months, and it can be born as an adult. How dare I use it to make a Yin-Yang Zihe cart?"

"The existence of this kind of fetus itself is deformed. Once the parasitic fetus sees the light, it will die immediately. You don't need to have any psychological pressure."

Yuqing persuaded.

Yang Zimei couldn't help biting her finger, "It depends on the situation. The legend of leading to the underworld is very tempting, but it is also a life."

"You stupid girl!"

Yuqing cursed very differently from usual, "Don't do anything yet, Master, I'll go right away!"

"Okay, Master, I'll wait for you."

After hanging up on Master's phone, Yang Zimei always felt that he was weird.

Master had never spoken to her in this tone before. Could it be that his temper has changed because the deadline is approaching?

(End of this chapter)

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