Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 287 Marriage House Feng Shui Affecting Husband and Wife Relationship

Chapter 287 Marriage House Feng Shui Affecting Husband and Wife Relationship (3)

When decorating a new house, many young couples paint the walls pink for romance.In fact, it is not good to do so. Pink can cause neurasthenia, and it is easy to cause quarrels between husband and wife, which leads to many marriage tragedies.The floor of the bridal chamber is also best to choose a light color. The dark floor will make the couple feel depressed, and it will easily lead to a cold war between husband and wife after a long time.

When decorating the bridal chamber, you should pay attention to placing small ornaments. Don't hang wind chimes on the window sill or balcony, as this will easily make your wife dizzy and irritable.

The lighting conditions of the bridal chamber should also be good.Good light will make the new couple happy and healthy, and it will also help enhance the relationship between husband and wife.Conversely, if the light in the bridal chamber is too dark, it is very easy for the couple to have quarrels.

The bed is the most important thing in the couple's room.The quality of its feng shui directly affects the relationship between husband and wife.Be sure to see that the head of the bed in your home must not face the door. This is called door rushing. We know that marriage is happy or not. If there is a door facing right, can it be better? At the same time, you need to look after your home Whether the furniture is placed on the head of the bed, whether the mirror is facing the bed, whether the TV is facing the couple's bed, whether there is a beam above the head of the bed, etc.Finally, see if there are big trees, telephone poles, chimneys, etc. outside the window. These are all detrimental to the relationship between the husband and wife.

In addition, wallpapers for married men and women are not suitable for patterns with many flowers, which will easily cause peach blossoms, extramarital affairs, and affect the relationship between husband and wife.

"It is China Merchants Bank who give birth to a daughter, and China Construction Bank to give birth to a son" is a saying in the 21st century.Nowadays, many people like their daughters, but of course it is not for attracting business, because daughters are well-behaved and sensible.It is said that the daughter is the mother's little padded jacket!From the perspective of Feng Shui, if a young couple wants to have a daughter, they should choose big flowers for the bed sheets and quilt covers. Feng Shui masters say that big flowers are more likely to have daughters.If you like your son, choose the pattern of dragon and phoenix for the bed sheet and quilt cover. When using this pattern of bedding, it is best to take it to the sun to dry, otherwise it will easily make the young couple feel oppressed.

It is said that heaven is beautiful, but no one goes to it; it is said that Feng Shui is a superstition, but everyone believes it.Feng Shui has a history of thousands of years in China.Pay attention to these bridal chamber feng shui, so that the husband and wife live in harmony and beauty. .
After listening to Yang Zimei's explanation, Song Lihua finally understood why her daughter-in-law Xiaoxue, who was so quiet before her marriage, turned into an impetuous shrew. It turned out that it was all caused by the decoration of the wedding room.

"I'll have people renovate and decorate the new house right away, and let the couple go back to their parents' house for a while." Song Lihua wiped away her sweat.

"Well, it's a must."

Yang Zimei also gave some pointers on how to decorate and display to be more conducive to the harmony between husband and wife.

Song Lihua also carefully wrote it down in the notebook.

"Master Xiaomei, I've worked hard for you today. This is a little gold, please accept it!" Song Lihua took out a large envelope from the room and handed it to Yang Zimei.

Song Lihua is Song Xuan's eldest aunt, and Song Xuan is her husband, which is equivalent to her elder. Naturally, Yang Zimei will not accept money.

"I heard that you need at least [-] yuan for feng shui and fortune-telling. Auntie, I don't have that much money, so I can only give you [-] yuan. If you don't accept it, I'm so embarrassed."

Song Lihua forced her to give her money.

Yang Zimei pushed the money back and said, "Auntie, that's the money I collected from outsiders, but you are Mr. Song's aunt, so you can be regarded as my aunt. This is just an emotional point of view, and you will be offended if you collect the money."

Hearing what she said, Song Lihua felt embarrassed to stuff the money, and took out a membership card from the room and handed it to her, "Xiaomei, this is the beauty salon membership card opened by my aunt. My aunt knows about your youthful skin. Okay, I don’t need beauty treatment, so you can give this card to your mother for me. Our beauty salon usually has a lot of membership activities, even if you don’t have beauty treatment, it’s good for everyone to chat and so on. "

"Okay, thank you, aunt." Yang Zimei happily accepted the card.

Under her care, her mother, Huang Xiuli, has no skin problems. However, here in City A, there is a lack of social circles, which is just right.

(End of this chapter)

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