Reborn genius girl fortune teller

Chapter 241 Palm color and people's fortune

Chapter 241 Palm color and people's fortune (2)

The palm is red.In palmistry, there is a saying: "Spraying blood in the palm means abundant wealth; purple in the palm means wealth and wealth."If a person's palms are rosy and shiny, and the color distribution is relatively uniform, such a person is serious and responsible in doing things, will do everything to the best and be most satisfied, and everything must be done by himself, but this does not mean They don't trust others, but because they want to do better, so that they can feel at ease. Such people will work harder, but as long as they work hard, they will be very successful in the end, and they can build a world by their own efforts.

Palms are dull in color.If a person's palm is very dark and dull, and if the palm is very dry, the so-called dry palm means that there is a fortune, and the person with such palms should not engage in risky careers or investment industries, otherwise there may be A relatively large loss, on the contrary, if the color of your palm gradually changes to luster, it means that you may have a bad luck.

Palm color is yellow.If the color of the palm is yellow or black, it means that the person’s health has a serious problem and may have a serious disease. Pay special attention to the liver and other aspects, so it is not good to have such a colored palm. Not only in terms of physical health, but also in terms of work and career, there will be obstacles and it will be hard, and the fortune of wealth is also very bad, so you should pay more attention.

The palm color is shiny and white.If your palm is white and shiny, then congratulations. This is the best color among palms. People with such palms will have good fortune in wealth. Bai, the luck will be better accordingly. Such people not only have good fortune in wealth and success in career, but most of them have relatively happy marriages.

Palms are bluish in color.There is a saying in palmistry that "green in the palm, there must be worry and fear". People with palms of this color have special personalities, and they may be less courageous, afraid to do something or certain things alone, and they are more dependent. Most of the care taken by others is that women have palms of this color, and palms with blue color are likely to have gastrointestinal diseases or problems with the digestive system, so attention should be paid to maintenance and adjustment.

And this Tao Daze's palm is black in color because he has been blowing lamps for a long time to dig graves, so that the black evil energy is condensed on it, and he must be short-lived.

Song Xuan has always been noble, so naturally he would not shake hands with a tomb robber.

However, his self-restraint was excellent, and he didn't show disgust on his face. Instead, he smiled lightly, changed the hand that was holding the black suitcase, as if the suitcase was a bit heavy, and politely refused to shake hands.

Tao Daze naturally guessed what he meant, laughed dryly a few times, and retracted his hand, but his eyes revealed a sinister look of hurt self-esteem. .

People who can't see the light all the year round are extremely dark, sensitive and fragile psychologically. Even a little neglect by others will seriously hurt his self-esteem, and he feels that others look down on him, so he feels resentful.

"Mr. Song—" He looked at the black suitcase in Song Xuan's hand, hesitated to speak, "You know the rules, right?"

Song Xuan naturally knew that he was worried that the box in his hand was not real cash, and wanted to see the money first and the goods later.

Song Xuan put the black suitcase on the ground, and opened the zipper, revealing a whole bunch of bright red hundred-yuan bills inside, which made the eyes of those people glisten and swallow their saliva.

Song Xuan zipped up the suitcase, lifted it up again and stood up, asking leisurely, "I want to see the goods."

"Okay!" Tao Daze led him and Yang Zimei into a small room next to him.

(End of this chapter)

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