My school grass is noble and glamorous

Chapter 550 Give Me Your Drumstick

Chapter 550 Give Me Your Drumstick

Su Mo is still very young in front of Shangguan Shuoyue.

"Don't make trouble, I'm warning you." Lu Xiaocai gave Shangguan Shuoyue a displeased look, and pushed the food she hadn't touched a few mouthfuls to Shangguan Shuoyue, "Eat leftovers if you're hungry, shut up if you don't eat! "

"Xiaocaibao is so kind to me." Shangguan Shuoyue smiled slightly and picked up the chopsticks.

Lu Xiaocai didn't expect that Shangguan Shuoyue really planned to eat her leftovers. Although she didn't eat a few mouthfuls, leftovers are leftovers.

Watching others eat my leftovers in front of me always feels a little awkward.

So Lu Xiaocai hurriedly stopped Shangguan Shuoyue and protected the plate: "Don't, don't, don't eat!"

"You let me eat." Shangguan Shuoyue frowned, as if accusing Lu Xiaocai of being mean.

"I'm just kidding, you really eat!" Lu Xiaocai almost yelled, but finally she insisted on keeping the leftovers, "If you want to eat, take it yourself, if you don't eat, just shut up."

Su Mo silently watched Lu Xiaocai and Shangguan Shuoyue perform this harmonious scene in front of him, and stopped eating.

"Su Mo, stop watching, eat quickly, how many times do you have to remind me?" Lu Xiaocai urged helplessly.

She suddenly felt that she was like an old mother, the kind of old mother who was very worried, it was really difficult to be someone else's mother!

Lu Xiaocai is tired!

Lu Xiaocai also suddenly realized that her two babies were still obedient, and now she felt that Lu Xiaonian and Lu Xiaogao were just like angels!
It's not like the little kid like Su Mo, or the big kid like Shangguan Shuoyue...

Shangguan Shuoyue had a cold and murderous look in her eyes, she glanced at Su Mo indiscriminately, staring at his tender and fair face, with a hundred reluctances in her heart!
Su Mo also glanced at Shangguan Shuoyue lightly, with imperceptible contempt and sarcasm on the corner of his mouth, and then continued to eat obediently.

Lu Xiaocai was already leaning on the table and sighing, her eyes didn't look at the expressions of the two, but stared at the rice on Su Mo's plate, silently calculating when he would finish eating.

So Lu Xiaocai didn't know that while she was sighing, Su Mo and Shangguan Shuoyue had already secretly competed with each other with their eyes.

"Sister." Avoiding Shangguan Shuoyue's cold murderous eyes, Su Mo suddenly called out to Lu Xiaocai.

"Huh?" Lu Xiaocai straightened her waist and became more energetic, "What's wrong?"

"I'm not full, give me your chicken drumstick." After speaking, Su Mo gave Shangguan Shuoyue a faint look.

Shangguan Shuoyue frowned, with an expression that looked as if Su Mo was his father-killing enemy: "There are still a lot of chicken legs over there."

"I don't want to waste it, and my senior doesn't want to eat it." Su Mo stuck out the tip of his tongue and licked off the rice grains from the corner of his mouth, "Sister, give it to me."

"Okay, I'll give it to you." Lu Xiaocai picked up the chicken leg and planned to give it to Su Mo.

She didn't even move the chicken legs, it would be a waste if she didn't eat them.

"Impossible." Shangguan Shuoyue blocked Lu Xiaocai's chopsticks, snatched the chicken leg with his hands, brought it to his mouth, and took a bite, "I'm still hungry."

"..." Lu Xiaocai looked at the empty chopsticks, and smiled apologetically at Su Mo, "I'm sorry, I'll get another one for you."

"No need, I'm almost full, save it for next time." Su Mo shook his head, put down his chopsticks, and smiled at Lu Xiaocai, "Thank you, senior."

"You're welcome." Lu Xiaocai smiled, "Next time, eat on time."

"Let's talk about it when the time comes." Su Mo looked at Shangguan Shuoyue with cold eyes, "Sister, I'm leaving."

(End of this chapter)

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