My school grass is noble and glamorous

Chapter 493 I Feel Like I Owe You Something

Chapter 493 I Feel Like I Owe You Something

Dodging Lu Xiaocai's little paws, Shangguan Shuoyue put the phone into his pocket, and said to Lu Xiaocai in a rough voice: "Boys' phones are not for girls to read."

"You can't look at the boy's mobile phone. There are other people's privacy in the mobile phone. Give me the mobile phone. I won't read it!" Ling Qianye lay on the bed unable to move, and saw Shangguan Shuoyue holding his mobile phone. Time, has begun to struggle.

That's why Lu Xiaocai wanted to help him get his phone back, not because he wanted to see what was inside.

She has always been not interested in other people's privacy, but there should be something important to Ling Qianye in it.

"I will return the phone to him, not now." Shangguan Shuoyue clutched his pocket with a cold expression.

"Shangguan Shuoyue!" Lu Xiaocai became angry, raising her voice an octave, "Give me the phone!"

"No." Shangguan Shuoyue gave Ling Qianye a cold look, without any compromise.

"Shangguan Shuoyue!" Lu Xiaocai's tone was not only angry, but also a warning.

"Lu Xiaocai!" Shangguan Shuoyue suddenly and impatiently yelled at Lu Xiaocai, still yelling her first and last name.

Lu Xiaocai's heart skipped a beat, she was frightened by Shangguan Shuoyue who suddenly changed his face and became as violent as a beast.

In Lu Xiaocai's memory, Shangguan Shuoyue seldom called her by her first and last name, usually in some way, even if she detested her, she never tired of it.

But just now, he actually yelled at her directly.

"Xiaocaibao, I..." Seeing the shock in Lu Xiaocai's eyes, Shangguan Shuoyue knew that she seemed to have said something wrong, but she swallowed the words, and finally just dropped three words awkwardly, "sorry."

Afterwards, Shangguan Shuoyue turned around, strode out of Ling Qianye's room, and disappeared before their eyes, taking Ling Qianye's cell phone with her at the same time.

Looking at the place where Shangguan Shuoyue disappeared, Lu Xiaocai opened her mouth, not knowing whether to call Shangguan Shuoyue to stop or what to say.

After a long time, Lu Xiaocai came back to her senses and apologized to Ling Qianye: "I'm sorry, he doesn't know what's wrong, he might have a convulsion, he took your phone away, and I will definitely get it back for you."

"Hmm." As soon as Shangguan Shuoyue left, Ling Qianye's attitude changed, he seemed to be much more silent than before, and his expression was much more indifferent.

Lu Xiaocai wanted to say a few more words to him, but in the end she didn't say anything, she just quietly took out her mobile phone, and sent a text message to the head teacher asking for leave, explaining the situation.

After a while, the homeroom teacher texted her back, agreeing to let her stay and take care of Ling Qianye.

Looking at the phone, Lu Xiaocai stared blankly for a long time, wanting to send a message to Shangguan Shuoyue, asking him what's the matter, the text message was written, but it was not sent.

Forget it, is it reasonable for him to take away other people's mobile phones without permission?

Ignore him for the time being and let him reflect on himself. When he is finished, she will talk to him again.

As soon as she made up her mind, Lu Xiaocai put away her mobile phone, and Ling Qianye fell asleep at some point.

Seeing his tired face, Lu Xiaocai felt a little distressed.

The current Ling Qianye is not at all like the high-spirited and charming young man she first met, but like a wounded child who needs company and care.

"I always feel like I owe you something." Lu Xiaocai let loose her shoulders in frustration, "But what exactly do I owe you? And that fellow Shuoyue suddenly became weird."

(End of this chapter)

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