
Chapter 468 I Will Not Force It Anymore

Chapter 468 I Will Not Force It Anymore

He Maoyi poured wine for Chen Shaoming: "Come, drink with me."

Chen Shaoming wanted to refuse, but He Ruiyi stopped him: "Don't refuse, or I won't help you."

Chen Shaoming had no choice but to pick up the wine glass. He Yiyi didn't say much, and raised his glass slowly to signal him, and drank slowly. After drinking for a long time, he asked, "Isn't the capital peaceful?"

Chen Shaoming said very seriously: "A lot of things have happened recently."

He Maoyi asked, "Have you heard anything strange?"

Chen Shaoming shook his head: "I didn't hear... Oh, yes, Mrs. Zhong is very ill and almost sees no visitors. Miss Zhong is a vegetarian all the year round in order to pray for her mother. Edit it into a volume, print it and distribute it, and I heard that His Majesty will be asked to write a preface, and everyone praises her for her filial piety and talent."

He Suoyi smiled lightly, noncommittal: "Master's manuscripts really shouldn't be lost like this. If she really wants to do this, I should send someone to Cangshan to find all of Master's manuscripts and send them to her. It will be enough for her to do it for ten years." gone."

"Brother He, that's a good idea." Chen Shaoming wanted to laugh a little. He was naturally on Zhong Weiwei's side on the issue of who should be the one who should actually have a marriage contract with Chonghua.

No matter how Zhong Xinran behaved, he still regarded her as a hypocrite, since she wanted to edit the book so much, let her do it all at once.

He Weiyi shook the jug: "It's empty, go back. When I see Awei tomorrow, I will tell her that she is not a stingy person, so don't worry."

Chen Shaoming got up to leave, but He Maoyi didn't see him off, but drank the last half of the wine in the glass.

For some reason, Chen Shaoming felt that He Maoyi who was drinking alone under the tree looked extraordinarily lonely.

Not long after the sun rose, Zhong Weiwei was already on his way to Yingzuijian Palace.

Both Li Yaoshi and Yang Shi believed that walking more would be good for her, so she decided not to take a car if she could walk, and walked to various construction sites every day when she got up early.

She didn't change her car or car until she was tired or the weather was bad. Sure enough, as Li Yaoshi and others said, her health was getting better every day, and she never fell ill again.

A few girls happily followed behind her, surprised when they saw a flower, chattering and arguing endlessly, but she didn't care about them, and let them be happy innocently.

After walking for a while, feeling tired, he called them into the carriage again, and the carriage drove to the forest near Yingzui Stream, Xiaotang tugged at her cuff: "It's Master He."

He Yuyi stood alone under a yellow jue tree, leaning against the tree, staring into the distance in a daze, Zhong Weiwei felt very uncomfortable seeing his appearance, and asked people to stop the car: "Brother."

He Maoyi smiled indifferently: "Someone asked me to bring you a sentence, come down and talk while walking."

Zhong Weiwei got out of the car and walked side by side with him. He Suoyi entrusted Chen Shaoming's request, "I'm afraid you will have a rift because of this, so I will apologize to you for his father."

Zhong Weiwei said: "I didn't take it to heart." Although she would not give in, she didn't take this matter too seriously, so she couldn't get along with Chen Junqing.

He Minyi said, "That's how I answered him."

He stopped suddenly and said in a low voice: "A Wei, I've thought about it these days, let's get along as before. You can force anything, but this is not the case. I won't force it."

Zhong Weiwei couldn't believe it, but was very happy: "I'm sorry brother."

He Maoyi shook his head: "You don't owe me anything, I am willing, and I sincerely hope that you and Ah Miao will get along well."

After finishing speaking, he didn't say much, nodded slightly, and drifted away.

It would be the best of course if we could get along as easily as before, but Zhong Weiwei knew that it would take a long, long time to go back to the past, and maybe everyone would be relieved until the big brother met someone who was really suitable for him Bar.

For the next period of time, there was nothing to talk about. With Chen Shaoming in the middle, Chen Junqing did not do anything to emphasize his presence. Whenever Zhong Weiwei appeared, he would try to avoid it by calling him sick or pretending to have something to do;

Later, he simply took a few tea masters to Jiujun Mountain to find wild tea trees, and no longer tried to intervene in the tea business.

Chen Shaoming, Nan Xiaoqiao, Huang Xinchan and others followed behind Zhong Weiwei and made all the preparations for the tea ceremony exchange meeting in full swing.

The children also did things together except during class time. When Zhong Weiwei was free, he took them to Jiujun Mountain to watch tea farmers grow tea, and let them go to the fields to learn how to work.

In mid-August, all the houses needed for the tea ceremony exchange meeting were completed, and the number of people gradually increased. Zhong Weiwei stopped letting the children go out and walk around casually, but kept them in the house to cultivate their morality and improve their morality. , as well as teaching various diplomatic etiquette.

In late August, the second coat of paint was done on the new house, and the weather was still very hot. Seeing the arrival of the Dongling Mission, Jian Wu became very anxious:
"Qin Tianjian is optimistic about the day. The sixth day of September is a good day. Your Majesty wants you to move into the Fangming Hall on that day, but the people from the palace haven't arrived yet. I'm so anxious to death."

Zhong Weiwei said: "Don't worry, just move some things symbolically that day. I'm still living here, and I won't go until I'm almost packed."

"My aunt, of course you're not in a hurry, but I'm in a hurry." Jian Wu pointed to the Zhou family compound: "I have to change this place quickly so that people can live in it! If you don't move, how can I change it?"

Zhong Weiwei pursed her lips and smiled: "I knew it earlier, hey, everything is packed, and I will move immediately when you give an order!"

After making a few jokes, someone came to report to Jian Wu: "The people sent by the palace have arrived in Jun County ahead, but they encountered some troubles, so they sent people over to ask for help."

It turned out that Aunt Qian was not acclimatized and fell ill. Afraid of delaying her trip, she persisted all the way to Jun County, and finally collapsed.

The accompanying person did not have a doctor, so he had to find a local doctor to see him, but the more he saw it, the worse it became, and he couldn't get out of bed until now.

Zhong Weiwei was taken aback, and hurriedly sent someone to inform Yang Shi, asking him to bring the needed medicine, pack his bags immediately, and go to Jun County to treat Aunt Qian.

Because I was worried, I asked Xiaotang to go to see it, and then begged Jian Wu: "Sister, help me run this trip, Aunt Qian is getting old, so I should go in person, but I can't, and I don't worry about others , you will feel at ease when you go.”

Without saying a word, Jian Wu explained a few words to his subordinates, took Xiaotang and Yang Shi, and set off for Jun County overnight.

Zhong Weiwei took over the chores that Jian Wu was responsible for as a matter of course, but whenever the stewards were undecided, they would come to ask her. Just after handling two matters, someone said outside: "Master He is here!" .”

(End of this chapter)

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