
Chapter 435 Fish Wheat Sheep

Chapter 435 Fish Wheat Sheep

A strange plant was drawn on the paper, and the words "fish, wheat and sheep" were written on the side.

Chonghua frowned: "The name of this medicine is really strange."

He Mino put his hands on his sleeves and smiled: "Who says it's not?"

But Zheng Gangzhong exclaimed: "Your Majesty, your hand."

Chonghua's hand, starting from the finger touching the prescription, is turning red and swollen bit by bit at a visible speed, and then turning purple, tingling, and numb...

Chonghua threw away the prescription and said angrily, "Take it!"

With an order, Zheng Gangzhong and the thirteen guards rushed forward.

He Minoi turned around in a circle, waved his long sleeves, and slapped Chonghua in the direction.

I don't know who shouted: "Be careful, he has poisonous smoke bombs, don't let him hurt His Majesty..."

There were several sounds of "choking", and more than a dozen shining swords stabbed at He Maoyi at the same time.

Everyone knows that his martial arts are not weak, and he is close to Chonghua, so he almost goes all out.

He Weiyi smiled strangely at Chonghua, then withdrew his hand suddenly, stood still, and let the dozen or so swords stab at him.

"Don't let him die..." Before the cry came out of Chonghua's throat, He Suoyi's white robe was already covered with red flowers.

With a crisp "click", the tea set in Zhong Weiwei's hand fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

She looked at the scene in front of her in horror, and could hardly believe her eyes.

He Rongyi looked at Zhong Weiwei who was rushing towards him, smiled contentedly, and fell on his back.

That's great, it's exactly the same as his calculation, I really want to thank Mu Xi for helping him a lot.

Otherwise, it would be really not easy for the members of the thirteen guards and the mature and prudent Zheng Gangzhong to attack at the same time.

Ah Wei, you have always regarded me as your eldest brother, so now you see me being killed in front of you, what will you do?

Will you turn against your beloved Second Senior Brother for me?
Will you seek justice from your beloved Second Senior Brother for me?
"Hurry up and save him."

Zhong Weiwei knelt down in front of He Suoyi, saw the blood gushing out of his body, hurried to plug the wound on his body, but couldn't stop it no matter what.

Chonghua stood aside silently, looking at Zhong Weiwei silently, feeling a little cold in his heart.

He stood, looking intact, surrounded by a large group of people protecting him, holding swords like wolves and tigers;
However, He Maoyi was alone, alone, was stabbed with blood all over his body without any resistance, and fell to the ground alone, his life and death uncertain.

No matter how you look at it, he is unreasonable.

No matter how you look at it, he is the one who is bullying He Maoyi.

Taking advantage of the power in his hands, he bullied He Rongyi and wanted He Rongyi's life cruelly.

Human life is at stake, it is normal for Zhong Weiwei to have such a reaction.

But he couldn't help but wonder why she only saw He Minoyi injured and fell to the ground.

If you only care about He Rongyi's life and death, you can't see that he was plotted by He Rongyi first, so why don't you care about his life and death?
In terms of calculating people's hearts, He Rongyi is indeed a lot taller than him, and in terms of shamelessness, He Rongyi's skin is twice as thick as his.

However, at this time, you must not get angry, otherwise you would be really stupid.

Because, that is exactly what He Maoyi wanted to see.

"Call the imperial physician quickly." Thinking that Zhong Weiwei probably wouldn't trust Yang Shi, Chonghua said again: "Call Pharmacist Li here too."

He stretched out his unpoisoned hand to probe He Maoyi's breath, and comforted Zhong Weiwei: "Don't worry, they didn't kill him."

Zhong Weiwei was in a state of confusion, terrified and disturbed.

Originally, Chonghua went and came back, and the elder brother also came. She was very happy that the two of them could sit down and have a good talk.

But after carefully preparing the tea set, tea leaves and water, and bringing them out happily, I happened to see a thrilling scene——

Chonghua stood aside, more than a dozen people besieged the elder brother together, and the elder brother didn't even have the intention of fighting back.

He was stabbed by them so abruptly, and then fell to the ground.

With so much blood, all the clothes were stained red and wet, how much blood can a person have?What's more, he had suffered such a serious injury not long ago.

Distressed, worried, and scared.

But because of her previous suspicions, she was also worried that she might misunderstand, so she tried her best to control her emotions.

Don't speak, don't make a statement, in order to try not to hurt anyone by mistake before finding out the truth.

Chonghua silently covered He Maoyi's most bleeding wound with a handkerchief.

Seeing his movements, Zhong Weiwei finally felt more at ease.

Pharmacist Li rushed over first, and was busy stitching He Minoi's clothes to stop the bleeding, deliberately exaggerating while doing it: "Do your best, oh, it's really a crime to hurt so badly..."

Chonghua's heart was as oily, and he wanted to crush Li Yaoshi to death, but he knew that it was easy to kill a little Li Yaoshi, but if he lost Zhong Weiwei's heart and wanted to coax him back, it would be difficult, so he simply refused to listen. look.

Yang Shi came in a hurry, Zheng Gangzhong held Yang Shi back and said, "Show Your Majesty first, Your Majesty has been poisoned!"

The voice was neither loud nor low, just enough for Zhong Weiwei to hear.

Zhong Weiwei turned her head quickly, looked at Chonghua, and said hoarsely, "What's wrong with you?"

Chonghua felt very wronged, and only now remembered to ask him what was wrong, but he refused to answer Zhong Weiwei's question.

He lowered his head, lowered his eyes, turned his back to Zhong Weiwei, and slowly stretched out the poisoned hand.

Zheng Gangzhong explained from the side: "Master He gave His Majesty a prescription, and the prescription is poisonous..."

Zhong Wei was in a mess, dizzy, and hurriedly grabbed Chonghua's sleeve, trying to see what was wrong with him.

Chonghua stubbornly refused to show her. At this moment, he wished that Yang Shi would make his poisoning as serious as possible, scare Zhong Weiwei to death, and make her feel guilty!

But Yang Shi took his hand, his mustache was shaking, his face was tangled, and he didn't speak or express his position for a long time.

Chonghua hated this winking imperial physician, just as he stared, he saw Yang Shi winking at him, looked down, and was so angry that he was half dead.

Although his hands were still itchy and numb, the purple-red color had dissipated at some point.

"I'm fine, let's bandage the elder brother first."

He calmly withdrew his hand, hid it in his sleeve, and said calmly: "It's just a prank by senior brother, but you fools took it seriously."

The thirteen guards were quick to move, but also quick to stop.

Although facing the Kingslayer, Zhang Yi has always known the intricate relationship between He Maoyi and His Majesty the Emperor.

Seeing that He Suoyi suddenly stopped and did not resist after making a misleading action, Zhong Weiwei also appeared at the same time, and immediately stopped the others.

Otherwise, if He's coir raincoat died, he would not be able to wash it off when he really jumped into the Yellow River.

Thinking of this, Chonghua immediately gave Zhang Yi a look of approval.

Zheng Gangzhong was worried: "Your Majesty, I and others saw your hand with their own eyes..."

Chonghua interrupted him impatiently: "It's long-winded, I know what to do!"

(End of this chapter)

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