
Chapter 1241 Who dares to fight for the first place!

Chapter 1241 Who dares to fight for the first place!

The opportunity finally came, but it was not so wonderful.

Their opponent is Wei Buwei.

After Wei Buwei ascended the throne on his own, he suddenly found that he had six enemies, one was Wei Zizhao, the other was Wei Mianmian, the third was the rebels, the fourth was the Li State, the fifth was the Shen State, and the seventh was the shortage of resources.

This is a very troublesome thing, even if he is a genius, he can't eat these seven enemies at once, not to mention that he rarely came out of Rongjing in the past and has no experience in commanding large-scale wars.

He decided to solve the shortage of resources first, and by the way, kill a few rebels to stand up and occupy a little more territory.

After much deliberation, he chose the place occupied by He Miao.

There is a large iron mine, and the rebel team has only been pulled up for a short time. If you want to come to a group of mobs, they don't have any real skills.

If it can be incorporated, it will greatly expand his own strength, 5 horses!

So Wei Biao gathered [-] elite soldiers and marched all the way to the vicinity. At this time, it was midsummer.

He Miao was different from how relaxed she was when she was encircled and suppressed for the first time. She and Yuanzi traveled all over the surrounding mountains and rivers, carefully planned the policy and strategy of this war, and practiced repeatedly.

The tense atmosphere spread from top to bottom to the homes of ordinary people. Everyone was very nervous and whispered about this "false emperor."

He Miao and Yuanzi were both worried, but Wei was not afraid that this person was the most deceitful. He performed various performances in the Northwest, and he was a first-class expert at buying people's hearts and balancing them.

They were worried that the people here would have a good impression of Wei Buwei, so as long as Wei Buwei put on an orthodox appearance and greeted with gentleness, the hearts of the people would be scattered.

Once the hearts of the people are scattered, they will stubbornly refuse to follow the trend and surrender, for fear that it will cause internal rebellion and division, and bring about the disaster of killing themselves.

This is only secondary, they can always escape, the problem is that all the [-] troops fall into the hands of Wei Buwei, which will defeat the original intention.

Not to mention, there are still Shen Guoren squatting behind him, watching covetously.

After discussing with Yuanzi for a long time, He Miao came up with a solution.

The next day, rumors spread.

It is said that Shen Guo is also gathering troops on the border, preparing to seize the iron mines when Wei is not afraid to attack the rebels.

The rumors became more and more intense, and even the people of Shen Guo believed it. They excitedly passed on the news, thinking that this matter was very feasible.

Yi Wang, who really wants to take charge of this matter, is very depressed about this. He really wants to fish in troubled waters, but now that there is such a commotion, how can he touch it?

Unless, if you and Wei are not afraid to cooperate, each will get half.

The more the counselors talked, the happier they were, and they all felt that this matter was feasible, which not only took advantage of it, but also curbed the expansion of the country of Li. If He Miaomiao was allowed to fall here, the country of Li would be hit hard—they didn't know Yuanzi Also here.

However, King Yi vetoed it: "If He Miao falls here, the Shen Kingdom and the Li Kingdom will be completely broken. In any case, no news about He Miao can be leaked, and we should first send someone to contact Wei Buwei."

Shen Guo must share a piece of the soup, but how to divide it has its own particularities.

They didn't intend to reveal He Miao's true identity, but let this army exist for a long time to become a force to contain Jingzhong. The more chaos here, the better for them, and it would be easier for them to fish in troubled waters and strengthen Shen Guo.

The Shen Guo special envoy who was sent out to negotiate terms with Wei Buwei was robbed by Yuanzi and led to a military camp halfway.

After the blindfold was untied, the special envoy of the State of Shen took a look. The young man on the seat was wearing the uniform of Emperor Jingzhong.

The special envoy had never met Wei Buwei before. He only knew that he was good-looking and young. Looking around, all the guards of honor looked decent, and the people who came and went to play the right ones also knew court etiquette. from!

The special envoy couldn't help being overjoyed: "This is the flood that rushed into the Dragon King Temple, and the family doesn't recognize the family..."

Yuanzi saw his thief-like face, and knew what fart he wanted to fart. He leaned back calmly, and said indifferently, "I don't know when Shen Guo and Jing Zhong became a family."

The special envoy is also very funny: "What I mean is that a close neighbor is not as good as a distant relative."

Yuanzi asked him back: "You mean, you are distant relatives with Li Guo? That's right, Princess Biyu is married to the prince of Li Guo. You are indeed relatives!"

The special envoy couldn't reply, and he became more and more convinced that the look in his eyes was correct. This was indeed the demeanor of the new Emperor Jingzhong—as for whether it was true or false, who cares about him!

With a cheeky smirk, he abruptly changed the subject, and finally got the "Jingzhong New Emperor" to ask: "I heard that you plan to negotiate with the rebels, and you want to cooperate with them to deal with me?"

The special envoy definitely didn't admit it, and laughed loudly: "How is it possible! My Highness is here, and I really want to cooperate with His Majesty."

"How to cooperate? When we fight, you can sneak attack from behind and occupy the iron ore and territory?"

In a rage, Yuanzi smashed the cup at the envoy's feet, and the flying debris stabbed the envoy's face.

The special envoy was in pain, covered his face and took a few steps back, not wanting to get angry, but instead felt, "I heard that Wei is not afraid of a lot of skill, it seems to be true."

If you want to cooperate, you must show sincerity, and then use some exaggerated language to try to persuade the other party.

The special envoy talked eloquently: "It's just mud legs, how can we really cooperate with them? Didn't it encourage this kind of atmosphere and make other people follow suit? Even in terms of status, we should cooperate with His Majesty... "

The more he talked, the more he devoted himself, and the more he spoke, the more viciously he said: "I heard that Your Majesty wants to recruit peace? Mud legs are mud legs, born rebellious, if you can rebel against you today, you can surrender tomorrow, and you can continue to rebel in the future. We will learn from each other.”

Yuanzi asked, "From the perspective of the special envoy, how should we deal with this matter?"

The special envoy pursed his lips and smiled: "Your Majesty is taking a school exam! Is there no precedent for this kind of thing? In the early years, there was a rebellion in the southeast. At that time, His Majesty, who was still the prince, conspired. And bind the flesh."

That was an old thing ten years ago, someone rebelled, the Jingzhong court first attacked and then recruited, and after recruiting, all the leaders and their nine clans were wiped out, leaving only a few minions lingering and tortured. Meat.

"Give me a seat." Yuanzi smiled brightly and was very polite: "I have long forgotten about such old things. If the special envoy has any good ideas, I can tell you one by one."

Since it is a grant of a seat, it is to cooperate. The special envoy sat down and talked, but he didn't know that there was a circle of eavesdropping mud legs outside this "king's tent".

This time, those who have ideas should give up, right?recruit?Evocation is more or less the same.

He Miao smiled lightly, seeing that the faces of the generals under her were getting paler and paler, she felt indescribably proud.

When it comes to singing double reeds, who would dare to compete for the first place except the two of them!

(End of this chapter)

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