
Chapter 121 Please Give the History of Zhong Tong to Chen

Chapter 121 Please Give the History of Zhong Tong to Chen (1)

The Xihe hunting ground is located in Xihe, more than 300 miles away from the capital.

The scenery is magnificent, the climate is cool, and the production is rich.

The clear river flows slowly through the green grassland, the blue sky and white clouds, and wild flowers swaying, which gradually revived the people who were used to seeing mountains and high walls.

He often took Zhong Weiwei's hand, walked through the weeds taller than him, and looked around curiously.

He picked up a lot of stones and filled the basket in Zhong Weiwei's hand heavily.

Zhong Weiwei took the trouble to help him carry it back, and filled a big wooden box with these stones.

What she often does is to accompany and wash stones together again, and pick out those stones that they think look good.

Most of the time, she was the one doing the washing, and she sat quietly by the side, leaning on her, watching her do things.

Xiaotang was busy in and out, handing them water and food, saying and saying a few more words from time to time: "Your Highness, don't pick it up anymore, you can't fit it!"

He just pursed his lips and smiled again, then picked a beautiful stone from the washed stones, and handed it to Xiaotang: "Here for you."

Xiaotang closed her mouth resignedly, played with the small stone, and said in a low voice, "It's pretty pretty."

Looking up, he saw Chonghua not far away, and wanted to go over to salute, but Chonghua turned and left.

Since the last canonization turmoil, there have been changes between Chonghua and Zhong Weiwei.

He no longer came to provoke and torment her as often as before, and Zhong Weiwei no longer deliberately provoke him as before.

Chonghua often came to see Zhong Weiwei and Youyou, but usually he was just talking to Youyou.

When facing Zhong Weiwei, he just asked Youyou about her daily life in a business-like manner, and then asked her if she had any needs or difficulties.

Zhong Weiwei was also doing business, and replied respectfully: "Thank you for your concern, my minister is fine."

Chonghua nodded, had nothing to say, sat for a while, and then found an excuse to leave.

Zhong Weiwei would dutifully take Youyou with him every time, and send him out all the time.

The tent they live in is actually only a few steps away from Chonghua's big tent, but it seems to be as far away as a mountain.

Xiaotang didn't like this feeling, she ran over to poke Zhong Weiwei's arm, and whispered, "Your Majesty just came here."

"Oh." Zhong Weiwei didn't look up.

"He's standing there."


"Looking at you all the time."


"Looks very unhappy."


"Wearing armor, it seems to be going hunting."


"Oh what?" Xiaotang was upset.

Hugging Zhong Weiwei's arm and shaking it: "I want to eat the roasted sparrows and honey-roasted hares you made.

You promised to cook for me!Talking can't fail to count!Otherwise, I won't listen to you in the future! "

Zhong Weiwei frowned: "You haven't eaten much these days? The corners of your mouth are bubbling, okay?"

The most indispensable thing in autumn hunting is game.

These days, all kinds of fresh and delicious game are being delivered continuously.

Xiaotang feasted so much that her mouth was full of oil and her face became fatter, so what else could she say?
Xiaotang gave another wink, playing tricks: "You didn't do that, I want to eat, I want to eat..."

She doesn't like Zhong Weiwei who is taciturn these days.

If she wants that lively Zhong Weiwei to come back, it would be best for Zhong Weiwei to reconcile with His Majesty.

Holding Zhong Weiwei again, with a look of guilt and uneasiness on his face, he whispered:

"It's all my fault. If it weren't for me, Auntie Wei wouldn't be angry with Daddy."

As he spoke, tears filled his eyes.

Zhong Weiwei rubbed his soft hair irritably: "It has nothing to do with you." If she wanted to, she would only hate Chonghua.

But there was no sign of improvement, and she began to cry instead: "I want to watch Daddy catch hares..."

Zhong Weiwei had no choice but to throw the brush into the basin: "Xiaotang, go and ask if you're gone, come, I'll change your clothes."

After changing into clothes for walking and running again, Xiaotang also came back:

"Haven't left yet, His Majesty was very happy when he heard that we were going, and immediately asked someone to prepare horses for us.

Your mount is the rouge mare, the one you used to ride in the martial arts arena in the palace. "

Zhong Weiwei checked the water bag and food carefully, and handed Youyou's hand to Xiaotang: "You can send him there."

"Aren't you going?" Xiaotang and You lost face again.

Zhong Weiwei said: "No, I have other things to do."

Xiaotang and You tried to persuade her again, but seeing that she was still unmoved, they had no choice but to leave in dismay.

Chonghua was fully dressed in military uniform, and he was talking to the princes, ministers, and generals around him with a serious expression.

Looking up at Zhong Weiwei's tent from time to time, seeing only Xiaotang and Youyou, his face turned cold.

It happened that his younger brother King Qi was chattering and bragging: "I shot a deer to death with one arrow yesterday, and it went in through the eye, right through..."

Because King Qi is Chonghua's younger brother and Empress Dowager Wei's beloved son, others agreed even if they didn't believe it.

Chonghua said coldly: "Shameless."

Most people didn't hear it clearly, but King Qi did. He was furious immediately, and said with a blunt smile:

"I heard that the emperor has studied ancient and modern times, and is both civil and military. These days, I have only seen you shoot the first arrow of autumn hunting, and I have never seen you shoot the bow again. I don't know if the emperor is interested. Let me How about opening your eyes?"

There is a large age difference between him and Chonghua, and he was raised by Queen Mother Wei since he was a child, and he has been favored all the time.

Not only does he have no affection for Chonghua, the elder brother, but he also thinks that if Chonghua hadn't been there, the throne would have been his.

Since Zhonghua inherited the throne, he has been very angry, and he has endured it for a long time, and today he can't bear it anymore.

Chonghua looked at King Qi coldly: "What do you want to see?"

King Qi was coaxed into being ignorant of the heights of the sky and the earth by the people under his command. He always firmly believed that Chonghua grew up in the mountains and the countryside, and he had no knowledge.

He has never really been on the battlefield, he has seen any big scenes, and he has no idea what happened to Qiushou.

At best, he followed the old farmer in the mountains with two broken bows, dug two pits, caught a few hares and pheasants, and netted a few sparrows.

Immediately smiled and said: "My brother is not talented, so I want to compete with the emperor to see who has the most prey today."

Chonghua smiled coldly: "As you wish."

King Qi thought he had a plan, and said triumphantly: "Since it is a competition, I have the courage to present a treasure as a prize."

He took off the sword he was wearing and offered it up, boasting: "This was given to Wei Shi by the founding ancestor of the country, and Grand Master Wei gave it to my younger brother on his 16th birthday.

The younger brother always thought that such a treasure should be worn by the emperor's brother.So take this opportunity to list it as a lottery. "

Chonghua hooked his lips into a smile: "King Qi is so sensible, I am so relieved. What do you want?"

(End of this chapter)

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