Chapter 419

Yin Jiuqing: "..."

Why, why do so many people hate her every day?

Chong Yang wanted to say something, but was knocked unconscious by Shan Shan's punch, and then ordered someone to drag him away.

Not long after Shan Shan left, she came back in a hurry, "My lord, something is wrong."

She pushed the door straight in.

"What's the matter?" Yin Jiuqing was still lying on the bed.

"Master Gu sent a letter in a hurry." Shan Shan's eyebrows gradually became solemn, "Wu Yacheng has been arrested."

"What?" She sat up suddenly from the bed and looked at Shan Hu in disbelief, "Uncle Wu, didn't he go to the border? How did he get caught?"

"Gu Xiang said that he is from Nanrong."

"Let's go back to Beijing right away." Yin Jiuqing got up from the bed, and the words he said were already carrying a layer of trembling.

Uncle Wu is her father's lieutenant general. She has watched her grow up since she was a child. To her, he is like a relative, and even the last relative in this world.

No matter what, she wanted to save him, no matter what.

Coral opened her lips, but in the end, she didn't say a word.

Because he couldn't bear it, he couldn't bear to stab the young master's blood dripping heart again.

The Yanjing Dynasty and the Southwest Dynasty were far apart, and even if the letter was urgently sent for [-] miles, it was delayed for a long time.

What's more, she didn't tell the young master the most important point mentioned in Gu Xiang's letter.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing other emotions, she immediately packed her things.

Yin Jiuqing just ordered someone to send a message to inform Su Chenyang, and then rode directly to Yanjing Dynasty.

She just hoped that everything was still in time.

The journey of sixteen or seven days had been abruptly shortened to ten days. Along the way, she had lived and slept in the open, and hardly had much rest.

But she didn't expect that the emperor's forbidden army greeted her when she just entered the territory of Yanjing.

Standing on the horseback, she looked coldly at the commander who was slowly walking towards her, "What do you mean?"

The man clasped his fists slightly, "Lord Yin, His Royal Highness has captured Wu Yacheng, the remnant of Bai Zhan, and he revealed that you are the remnant of Bai Zhan, trying to overthrow the Nan Dynasty. The emperor ordered you to be arrested and brought to justice."

"It's simply a fantasy!" Her seductive eyes narrowed slightly, exuding a deep and murderous air.

That person was still afraid of her after all, "If Mr. Yin is innocent, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will definitely not wrong you."

After the words fell, he waved his hand, and countless forbidden troops rushed up.

"My lord!" The three guards held their weapons, "We will cover you, you go first."

She shook her head slowly, got off her horse, "I won't go."

"My lord, if you fall into Nan Rong's hands, there will be no life left." Chong Yang's eager voice sounded.

Her bright red lips were slightly raised, and a beautiful smile appeared, with bottomless persistence and firmness, "If I leave, the stigma on my father will never be washed away. It's better to live by stealth than to put it to death and live later."

This year's winter seems to have come very early. A few dozen days ago, the sun was still shining brightly, but a few dozen days later, there was already a thin layer of white snow flying in the sky.

Her eyes were immersed in the whole world in this flashy world, but the corners of her pale smiling lips were extraordinarily bright.

This emperor, the word "rebellion" is his rebellious scale, and he will die if he touches it, not to mention that now, without the self-respecting Luo Jue, she naturally doesn't need her as a censor.

(End of this chapter)

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