Ning Shao's lovely wife

Chapter 780: Nursing Mad Demon

Chapter 780: Nursing Mad Demon (1)

Su Tingxue stretched her waist, drank another glass of freshly squeezed juice, and then decided to go home, but when she walked out of the research institute, she hesitated again, anyway, she didn't want to go back to the current Cheng family.

She originally thought that the last time she had a quarrel with Cheng Jinmo was because she rushed over, and she thought that her anger might disappear in a few days, but when she came out of the research institute, she found that her anger had disappeared. But she didn't want to go back to Cheng's house.

The word "family" has always been warm in her heart, but the current Cheng family can hardly make her feel warm, and she doesn't know when, when she and Cheng Jinmo were at home, they were relatively silent.

She sighed almost inaudibly, maybe the marriage has really come to an end at this point!
Su Tingxue knew that she had always been proud, sometimes a bit forceful and willful, but she was never unreasonable.

It's just that in these years, her pride has been tossed by this cruel real life, making it difficult for her to be proud. In the eyes of outsiders, she is a weapon expert and a true genius, but at home, she is just a housewife That's all.

She doesn't reject being a housewife. In fact, she still loves her family very much, and she likes the warmth of home very much. However, the position of a housewife in the Cheng family is like a joke. Maybe she still has a lot of things that are not good enough. !

She thought about it and decided to go back to Su's house.

When she came home to Su's house, her mother, Zeng Yifang, was peeling chicken head rice (Gorgon seed) shipped from the south. The old lady felt that it was easy to buy fake products outside, but the quality of peeling by herself was guaranteed.

Seeing her coming back, Zeng Yifang only looked up at her, and then said: "Although Jinmo sometimes has no principles, but I always have you in my heart, and you are almost 50 years old, so don't worry about those who can't do anything." If he needs to be angry, if he does something wrong, I'll help you tell him later!"

Before Su Tingxue came home, Cheng Jinmo called. Although the old lady didn't quite know why the two quarreled, she also knew that this time the matter might be a bit serious.

Because although Su Tingxue is proud, she usually gives Cheng Jinmo enough face at her mother's side, and it is rare to live at home for half a month like this.

Su Tingxue squatted beside the old lady and said, "Mom, I want a divorce."

Zeng Yifang raised her eyelids slightly, and the wrinkles on her forehead immediately wrinkled: "Are you and Jinmo fighting over Susu again?"

"It's not all." Su Tingxue sighed lightly: "It's just that the two of us think too far apart, and in his heart, I have become a dispensable person. In my heart, when I saw him, I felt panicked."

Zeng Yifang laughed when she heard the words: "You have lived to this age and you don't know that love becomes a family relationship as soon as you get married?"

Su Tingxue remained silent, and Zeng Yifang said again: "You said that you want to divorce Jinmo, but you just want him to bow his head on Susu's education. I can see Susu's behavior clearly over the years. That girl is indeed full of thoughts, but she is at this age now, how can you care about it? Girl, children have their own blessings, so you can let her go!"

Su Tingxue bit her lip lightly, and Zeng Yifang said again: "I know that you, like your father, cannot tolerate a grain of sand in your eyes, but in this world, there are too many sands, so just pretend you didn't see it!"

(End of this chapter)

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