Ning Shao's lovely wife

Chapter 377 I Admire You

Chapter 377 I Admire You
The director of the Municipal Bureau saluted Ning Yiqing: "Sorry, I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter!"

Ning Yiqing returned a salute: "It's a joke for this kind of scum to stay in the public security system. You don't need to explain to me, you need to explain to the people."

The director of the city bureau was ashamed after hearing his words, and now he only wanted to beat Director Liu to death!

He nodded quickly: "You're right."

He felt that today's incident was not an ordinary slap in the face, and he didn't want to stay here any longer to embarrass himself. After letting Director Liu and a group of police officers be taken away, he left directly.

As soon as the policemen left, although there were still many people in the room, it was very quiet. Everyone looked at Ning Yiqing with curious eyes, because his aura was too strong and he was too young!What happened just now was too incredible.

Generally, to become the captain of the Central Anti-drug Brigade, only experienced criminal policemen are qualified, but Ning Yiqing doesn't look like it.

Wang Li couldn't help asking: "Didn't you just say that you didn't call the provincial bureau?"

"Yes." Ning Yiqing said coldly, "I called the Central Committee."

Wang Li's face turned pale in an instant. He had only heard of Xiaolang's name before, but he didn't expect him to be so arrogant!Once this matter is brought to the central government, I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to cover it up!
Although Cheng Susu was a little dazed because Director Liu was arrested, Ning Yiqing's ability and background just showed were surprising. The more she watched him, the more satisfied she was. He is so good that he is worthy of her .

She sighed and said: "I really didn't expect Director Liu just now to be such a person. I was almost deceived by him just now. You have saved the people from harm. It is really amazing."

After she finished speaking, she said to Gu Weiwei: "You must have been wronged just now. This gentleman saved you. I think you should thank him."

Hearing Cheng Susu's words, Gu Weiyi said in his heart, hehe, there is really no one who has such a sense of existence.

Before she had time to speak, Cheng Susu said to Gu Weiwei in a reproachful tone: "You were serious just now, why didn't you stand up and clarify for yourself earlier? There was such a big misunderstanding."

Gu Weiwei smiled coolly, Cheng Susu really finished everything.

Ning Yiqing frowned when she heard Cheng Susu's words, she didn't hide her disgust, but Cheng Susu didn't feel it at all because of his cold temper, instead she smiled and said to Ning Yiqing: "I admire you very much, for being able to get to know each other Is it? My name is Cheng Susu."

The smile on her face was very decent, and she stretched out her snow-white and slender hand towards him.

This method of hers was tried and tested before she met Gu Weiwei, especially with men, so she was very sure that Ning Yiqing would not reject her.

It's just that she was going to be disappointed today, Ning Yiqing not only didn't reach out to her, but also didn't even look her straight.

She just stretched her hand in the air like this, extremely embarrassed, but the smile on her face was quite natural, she continued to smile and looked at Ning Yiqing and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

At this moment, Chen Zhao came out from the inside, and when he saw Ning Yiqing, he said happily, "Third brother, why are you here!"

Because of a head injury, he was dizzy all the time after waking up, so he rested inside. When the police car came over, there was too much movement, and he was woken up.

(End of this chapter)

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