Chapter 355
At this time, it was only an hour before Gu Weiyi and Cheng Susu agreed, and she needed to buy back all the rough stones she had chosen.

Because the rough stone that was used as a stone pier had been in the store for a long time, and its appearance was very bad, so Gu Weiwei bought it back at a very low price. more expensive.

After she bought the rough stone, she asked the boss to send it to the main service desk, and the staff of the market opened it.

She walked all the way back and paid all the way. She knew that the high-quality rough stones she picked out were too high, which was too eye-catching, so she picked some stones with nothing in them when she bought the stones later, and did not buy them. Put those stones on the outermost.

Zhu Jiagang hadn't come back after she finished these tasks, and it was only 10 minutes before the appointed time of five o'clock.

She felt that Zhu Jiagang, a big man, had no reason to get lost, so she didn't bother to care about him.

The head waiter is located at the back of the market, and Kaishi’s room is at the back of the main service desk. Because it will be very noisy when opening the stone, they are afraid of disturbing other customers, so the room of Kaishi is sealed and soundproofed The measure is that people outside can't hear the stone inside, because it is sealed, so the light inside can't come out.

It was almost time to get off work, and no one else was working here. Except for Gu Weiwei and Cheng Susu and his party, there were only the market staff and the appraisers invited by Cheng Susu in the hall, as well as those who came to see the excitement. Lin Xianzhi.

Cheng Susu and the others saw that Gu Weiyi bought a lot of stones, and most of those stones were of poor quality at first glance. She also learned a lot about betting on stones from the jade consultant today. The only pile of stones laughed: "Are you trying to eat all these stones?"

Gu Weiyi glanced at her and there were only a few stones piled up on her side. Most of those stones were covered with python patterns. Those stones were not too small, and the price was quite expensive.

Gu Weiwei smiled slightly: "It is impossible to have jade in every piece of your stones. As long as there is no jade in one stone, you can't finish it. You dare not buy more rough stones, are you afraid of me?"

"What a joke!" Chu Tianlan said loudly, "How could Susu be afraid of you, she will make you cry!"

Lin Xianzhi heard that there were two waves of people fighting stones. He is a master who fears the world will not be chaotic. In addition, the rough stones purchased by the expert team he brought today were unsatisfactory, and his procurement task this time There is still a lot to be done, and the port city is anxiously waiting for him to bring the jade back.

So he came over to see if he could buy good quality jade again.

He was stunned for a moment when he saw Gu Weiyi, he really didn't expect that she would actually fight with others!

And he couldn't help rubbing the center of his brows when he saw the unremarkable pile of raw stones behind Gu Weiyi, without any trace of emerald.

When he listened to her conversation with Zhu Jiagang in the morning, he knew she was a layman.

Now seeing the stones she bought, he was even more sure of his judgment. He didn't know her identity and origin, but seeing her buying blindly like this, he guessed that she might be the young lady of some nouveau riche family. This way of buying is a complete waste of money!
With stones of this material, the chances of producing jade are very small.

(End of this chapter)

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