Ning Shao's lovely wife

Chapter 2324 See you in court

Chapter 2324 See you in court (2)

As early as two months ago, there were also a bunch of reporters crowding the pharmaceutical factory, but she paid for those people at that time, and she spent a lot of effort to get on the TV station.

She used to be complacent about this matter, and she also liked these reporters very much.

But when she saw these reporters today, she wanted to shoot them all away!
However, how could the reporters just let her go like this?Immediately, someone stopped her and said, "I heard that experts from the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine came to the pharmaceutical factory to check today. Is this really the case?"

Mo Feiyan kept a cold face and didn't want to talk at all.

She has a slender figure and is usually pampered. She really has no advantage in being crowded with these reporters.

Fortunately, the driver who was following her was smart, guarded her, helped her get out of the encirclement, and entered the pharmaceutical factory. Security guards stopped her, and the reporters couldn't get in for a while.

Mo Feiyan would be a little thankful, she had trained these security guards before, not allowing them to let any irrelevant people in, otherwise it would be even more difficult for these reporters to follow in today, and it would be even more difficult to control the situation.

She took a deep breath, clenched her hands into fists, and strode in.

Today, not only people from the Association of Chinese Medicine came, but also people from the Food and Drug Administration. Otherwise, the security guards from the Association of Chinese Medicine alone would not have let them in.

The person from the Food and Drug Administration came today was a middle-aged capable man with a serious and expressionless face.

Five members came from the Association of Chinese Medicine, including Qian Bai and Li Mingshu, and the other three were professors from universities of Chinese medicine in other provincial capitals or well-known doctors in the local area.

These five people plus the man from the Food and Drug Administration formed the review team.

Although Zhou Yeheng had a quarrel with Mo Feiyan yesterday, after he went back and thought about it, he realized that he didn't have too many choices, so he came to work early this morning.

When he came, he happened to meet the review team. He didn't know anyone else, but he knew Qian Bai and Li Mingshu, because when he was studying medicine with Shao Yizhi, Qian Bai and Li Mingshu were also studying medicine with Shi Lao. He and Shao Mingshu are brothers, so they also had a lot of contacts at that time.

Zhou Yeheng had also heard about Mo Feiyan's incident in Lingcheng, and he also knew that Gu Weiyi was familiar with Shi, so when he saw this posture, he felt like a mirror in his heart, knowing that something was wrong, so he hurriedly asked the HR side to stop him. Follow them and prevent them from entering the workshop.

Zhou Yeheng himself went into the workshop, trying to get people to replace the inferior medicines, but there were too many medicinal materials, and even if they were replaced, they would not be finished.

And once the medicinal materials are put into production, it is impossible to stop the machine once it is turned on.

Even if he stopped forcibly, there would be no place to pour the scalding concoction.

Zhou Yeheng stood in the workshop and looked at the piles of inferior medicinal materials. He felt unprecedented pressure.

He reached out and pressed the center of his eyebrows, and finally realized that he might have really made a wrong decision, but now he has no turning back.

He took a deep breath, and quickly thought about all his retreats in his mind, but found that he had no choice.

Zhou Yeheng also knew that the personnel side would not be able to stop those people for too long, and everything here would be discovered.

He closed his eyes lightly, and when he opened them again, he was quite fierce.

Qian Bai didn't find Zhou Yeheng, but Li Mingshu did.

(End of this chapter)

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