Chapter 448 Hickey (2)

That's right, this girl didn't realize that it was a hickey. Could it be that she hasn't been touched by another man before?
Thinking of this possibility, Chu Shisan was ecstatic.

"Why can't you say that being bitten by insects is nothing shameful?" Han Shushu was dumbfounded when she saw Shisan grinned, "Did you find a treasure?"

Otherwise, why laugh so exaggeratedly?The corners of the lips are grinning almost to the base of the ears, which looks very funny.

"Shu Shu, take a closer look at the marks on your body."

Chu Shisan decided to try again.

Han Shushu carefully studied it once, and she shook her head while looking at it: "What kind of thing bites this?"

Chu Shisan couldn't help laughing, completely relieved.

He is sure that experienced people will be able to see that these marks are strange.Judging from Han Shushu's reaction, she really didn't know what it was.

"If you're really worried, I'll ask someone to change all the bedding for you."

Chu Shisan lightly squeezed Han Shushu's face, his brows and eyes were gentle.

"Let's change it, to be on the safe side."

Han Shushu raised his eyes and saw the obvious smile on Chu Shisan's face.She had never seen this man smile so brightly that his eyes were narrowed.

"Shu Shu, have you ever had a man before?"

Chu Shisan's next question made Han Shushu vigilant.

Is he going to force Liang into prostitution again?
Last time she said ten, he knocked her unconscious.If her answer is not what he wants this time, will he stab her to death?
Seeing Han Shushu's hesitation, Chu Shisan smiled warmly and curled his lips: "Don't worry, just tell the truth, I won't do anything."

Han Shushu moved his position when he heard this, and whispered back: "I, I have never had a man."

This is her truth.

At most, she just likes a certain man and runs after him every day.In fact, she also wants to devote herself, but people are not interested in her.

She is still very pure and has not done anything out of the ordinary...

Chu Shisan was very satisfied with Han Shushu's answer. He should have thought earlier that this woman was not as carefree as she appeared on the surface.

She just likes to be brave with her words, if she really wants to take action, she might not dare to do it even if she has a hundred guts.

"It will be the same in the future. You see men walking around, you know?"

As Chu Shisan said, he turned around and helped Han Shusu pick out the clothes.

Of course, it was necessary to choose a dress that could cover all the ambiguous marks on her body, so that no one else could see it.

"Thirteen, this is not good, is it? I haven't tasted the fishy smell of a man yet, and it's not that I can see through the world, why do I have to take a detour when I see a man—"

Seeing Chu Shisan looking at her coldly, she quickly stroked her forehead: "Oh, I have a headache!"

Her head was indeed still aching, because Chu Yun gave her wine, and she accidentally drank too much.

By the way, she seems to have drunk too much last night, she can't remember what happened afterwards at all, did she do anything out of the ordinary?
She quietly looked at Chu Shisan, but saw that Chu Shisan was looking at her. She quickly continued to pretend to be sick, and said without illness: "San Shisan, when did I sleep last night? Did anything happen before I went to sleep?"

For example, did she ride on Chu Shisan's head after she was drunk?

"As far as I know, nothing."

Chu Shisan replied quietly.

In fact, he also has his own selfishness.Another day really endured too hard, feed her some wine, let her take the initiative to pounce on him...

"It's fine if I don't have one. I've heard people say that my wine doesn't seem to be very good."

(End of this chapter)

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