Young Master Mo's Rebirth Sweet Wife

Chapter 394 Don't Eat, Want Yan Bao

Chapter 394 Don't Eat, Want Yan Bao

Could it be that the poison in Xiao Mozi's body has not been suppressed?

"Little Mozi, are you feeling unwell? Answer me. If you don't answer me, I will ignore you."

As soon as Jun Ximo heard that the woman in front of him said that he would ignore him, an inexplicable panic appeared in his heart.

He stretched out his arms again, and firmly held the little woman in front of him in his arms, tightly hugging her.

"Don't ignore me! I'm in good health, really well. Don't ignore me."

Jun Ximo murmured these words repeatedly with his hands opened and closed.

"It's not that you ignore me, don't want me."

Luo Xiyan's eyebrows in Jun Ximo's arms were tightly frowned, her hands slowly climbed onto the man's strong waist, and she gently patted the man's back with her own hands, trying to comfort him and give him a sense of security.

"If you say you're stupid, you're really stupid. I'm your wife, and our relationship is established by law. Even if you want to renege on your debts, I'll bring you back."

Luo Xiyan never wants to run away from Jun Ximo in her life...

"Well, you are my wife, you are my wife."

"What's the matter with you? Little Mozi, why do I feel weird after you wake up?"

Luo Xiyan broke free from Jun Ximo's arms, put her hands on the man's chin, and looked at him worriedly.

From the moment she entered the door, she found that something was wrong with her little Mozi.

When she hugged him, his body was trembling, and his voice was trembling when he spoke, and he kept repeating a few words.

"Don't want me..."

"Don't ignore me..."

why?Her little Mozi was not like that.

Luo Xiyan looked at the objects that were smashed everywhere on the ground in the entire ward, and her eyebrows frowned even tighter.

"Did you smash all the things on the floor?"

In his memory, little Mozi is always mature, cold and gentle.

But why are you playing childish temper today?
The pupils of Jun Ximo's eyes suddenly constricted, and when he looked up at the little woman in front of him, there was an unprecedented panic in his eyes.

His hands on both sides gradually curled up into fists, and he looked at the woman in front of him in bewilderment.



"Little Mozi, tell me why you smashed things?"

Luo Xiyan could make her voice soft and gentle, hugging the arms of the man beside her with both hands, and leaning her head on the man's shoulders, it was not giving Jun Ximo some comfort.

"Because you're not here."

Jun Ximo lowered his head extremely low, and his hands kept fiddling with the corners of his hospital gown.

Naturally, Luo Xiyan didn't let him go.

Little Mozi was nervous, she could tell.

"Didn't I come here? I just went out to get some air. Remember what I said to you before? Luo Xiyan is the wife of Xiao Mozi and will never leave."

Everyone in the ward watched the farce gradually subside, the crowd gradually dispersed, and only a few scattered people remained outside the ward.

When Lian Jinye and Qin Minghao rushed over, they saw Jun Ximo's ward open, and there were a few theatergoers standing outside the door.

They walked quickly to the door of the ward, drove those people away, and then walked into the ward.

When they walked into the ward, what they saw was the mess in the ward, and when they looked inside, they saw two people cuddling each other.

"Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat? You haven't eaten for a whole day. May I buy food for you?"

"No, I don't want to eat, I want Yan Bao."

(End of this chapter)

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