Chapter 504 Peeling His Skin
Ou Lan struggled several times, but failed to break free from the man's iron-like imprisonment.

Finally, she was taken into the hall of the basement.

The atmosphere in this hall is more frightening than in the corridor, because it really looks like a place where a devil lives.

Dim lights, the sound of underground water, and a hint of Zen sound inexplicably mixed.

This Zen sound did not soothe the girl's heart. She looked at the mottled knife marks on the stone wall, the large iron nails reinforced on the iron gate, and the cracks between the nails and nails, all of which made her terrified. .

The magnificent Ailan Castle, which symbolizes the last wealth of the Zhelan Empire and where the richest man lives, still hides such a place that is isolated from the world and makes people tremble with fear.

Who the hell is Zhan Moxiao?

At this moment, she felt even more unable to see through him.

He is like a sea, with warm waves rippling from time to time, and strong winds from time to time, and the turbid waves beat the sky, she can't see through it, and can't control it.

The bravery and composure that had been maintained just a moment ago had completely collapsed at this moment. Even a brave and invincible man of steel who had experienced many battles would probably feel infinite fear when he came to such an underground space, let alone a girl like her. .

However, she stubbornly refused to beg him again, she just kept silent.

A pair of big eyes betrayed her emotions.

Zhan Moxiao slightly raised the corners of his lips, and placed her on the sofa that Li Dan had just ordered someone to place. Then, he sat beside her, wrapping her in his arms with his long arms.

He said, "Lan Lan," with an extremely cold tone in his voice, "I want you to know today that I hate people cheating and betraying me the most. Today I want you to see what happens to people who cheat and betray me. "

As soon as the words fell, Li Dan clapped his hands, and several men in neat black clothes walked in from the secret door. These men pushed a single bed, and there was one person lying on the bed.

Ou Lan mustered up the courage to look over, and saw clearly that the person lying on the bed was Liu Feng.

At this moment, Liu Feng closed his eyes, as if there was no life left.

She bit her lower lip suddenly, and looked at Zhan Moxiao for no reason, but he just glanced at her indifferently, and then stopped looking at her.

Ou Lan turned her head to look over again, and found that after the man in black, a fat man walked in through the secret door, holding a sharp knife in his hand.

This man's face is full of oil, his eyes are round, and there is a beard on his cheek. He walks steadily, and every step has the smell of blood.

He went straight to the bed with the knife in his hand, looked down at Liufeng, paused for two seconds, then moved his hands, and cut Liufeng's skin with the knife.

Immediately, blood flowed out.

Yes, that's right, this is a scene, a scene used by Master Xiao to frighten girls, and this scene is extremely realistic.

Although he was angry at her deceit and betrayal, he still loved her too much. Even though his body was filled with terrible violent emotions driven by the illness, he was still reluctant to punish her physically.

So, he just wanted her to be afraid and to be good.

As Zhan Moxiao expected, when the executioner made the first cut, Ou Lan screamed in fear, "Stop!"

After successfully making the executioner stop, she suddenly stood up, turned to look at him, "Zhan Moxiao, what are you going to do?"

Zhan Moxiao's expression was relaxed, and he even admired her fear. His purpose was to make her afraid, "When you first met Liu Feng, you asked me what to do if Liu Feng felt betrayal. How did I answer that time, huh? "

Ou Lan quickly searched the elements in her memory, and finally she remembered his answer, he said, "I'll peel his skin!"

The girl's legs felt weak all of a sudden, he wanted her to witness a skinning? !
(End of this chapter)

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