Super sweet, honey love 100%

Chapter 1134 Ruge Ji Yanche Ending

Chapter 1134 Ruge Ji Yanche Ending (4)

The language teacher came over, glanced at Ruge and the language books in front of her, and finally fixed her eyes on Ruge's back row.

The other students put their textbooks neatly, but Ji Yanche's desk was empty.

The head teacher said sternly, "Ji Yanche, where are your textbooks?"

"Report to the teacher, I forgot to bring it."

"You forgot to bring your textbooks and still say so confidently? What are you doing here without your textbooks?"

Ji Yanche didn't explain, just listened, and finally said with a smile, "The teacher is right, I was too careless, and I will definitely not be like this next time, teacher, you are the most beautiful when you are not angry! "

Ji Yanche was outstanding when he was a child, he was a young lady, and he was very popular with other teachers.

But the head teacher just didn't like this, pushed his glasses and said, "Don't play with me, just stand and listen to me in this class!"


For a whole class, 10 minutes, Ji Yanche's legs stood straight.

Ruge kept peeking at Ji Yanche from the corner of her eye.

He obviously brought his textbooks.

He just gave her his textbook.

After class, Ji Yanche sat down and muttered, "I'm exhausted."

Ruge walked over with the textbook in her arms, "I return the textbook to you."

He moved his legs and said casually, "Let it go."

" gave me your textbooks?" She was the one who should have been punished to stand...

"No reason, just let it go if you want to, who made us still classmates."

In the next math class, when Ji Yanche was still lying on the table drowsy, someone poked him on the shoulder.

Ru Ge quickly handed him a piece of paper. After opening it, there were four words written on it: That... Thank you.

Fifth grade.

Ru Ge is addicted to playing video games, and it's time for the final exam before cramming.

How to do how to do?
Seeing that the deskmate secretly wrote a cheat sheet, Ruge followed suit and wrote one.

The first time she cheated in the exam, she was so scared that her palms sweated, and the cheat sheet fell to the ground when the invigilator turned around!

Ahhh, it's over, it's over.

Sure enough, you still have to study hard and not cheat!
The invigilator found the note on the ground, picked it up and asked sharply who it belonged to.

Ru Ge resigned to her fate and closed her eyes, she put down her pen and was about to stand up.

Unexpectedly, Ji Yanche behind her stood up before her, "Teacher, I wrote that."

In that final exam, Ji Yanche's grades were cancelled, and he was criticized by name at the flag-raising ceremony on Monday.

That day, after the two of them finished their duty, they walked home together.

Ji Yanche and Ruge live in the same villa area, and the building next to Ji Yanche's house is Ruge's house.

Standing at the door of the house, Ruge clutched her schoolbag with both hands, "Ji Yanche, why did you help me take the blame?"

Ji Yanche clasped his hands behind his head, and acted foolishly, "If you want to help, you can help, who made us grow up together, and I'm a whole day older than you, it's your brother! Call me brother."

The two played together since they were young, and went to kindergarten and elementary school together.

They have always been little enemies, fighting each other.

Ruge has never admitted that Ji Yanche is an elder brother.

Although Ji Yanche was born one day earlier than her.

But in Ruge's heart, she is the same age as Ji Yanche!
She shouldn't be one level lower than Ji Yanche, calling him brother!

(End of this chapter)

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