Sheep prince shrewd concubine

Chapter 517 Huaer is doing well [3]

Chapter 517 Huaer is doing well [3]

So he gave the order to let everyone start to cross the swamp as planned.

They prepared ten axes in advance, which were used to cut branches, and to cross the swamp, the most usable thing in this deep forest was branches.

The hard branches can be used to explore trees, and they can be used to insert into the soil to support their bodies when hiding deep in the swamp.

Therefore, each person must have two.

There are also driftwood boats, which are divided into wooden boards and used to cross the swamp.

The branches are simple, but it takes a lot of work to make the driftwood boat.

So after dinner, everyone started to act.

Although they are all bodyguards, when it comes to the work of these carpenters, no one shows any weakness.

When the moon is in the middle of the sky, a simple and solid driftwood boat has been prepared.

More than 100 branches as thick as an arm have also been made.

Seeing a piece of results, everyone began to rest in relief.Waiting for tomorrow's toughest trip.

This night, Lu Qingqing and Baili Fenghua still took turns to rest, each keeping watch at midnight.

It was dawn, and everyone had already rested and set off.

There are countless mountain ranges in the size of a million mountains. This mountain range in front of me is the smallest mountain range, but it has been turned over in half an hour.

Looking at the verdant swamp in front of them, everyone's expressions became a little dignified.

None of these people had really faced the swamp, and maybe everyone except Lu Qingqing had seen it on TV, and everyone else had heard of the swamp.

And when I saw it, I just thought it was a weird place.

It was clear that the sun was shining brightly at this time, but in the swamp, there was a mist, and it was impossible to see the situation on the other side from this side.

Moreover, the air has also become cloudy, and the thick miasma makes people very uncomfortable.

Everyone wore cotton masks.

But even so, I still feel very uncomfortable.

Baili Fenghua held Lu Qingqing's hand tightly: "Follow me."

"Yeah." She nodded without saying anything, her eyes were firm.Then, relying on the survival skills he learned in modern times, he said to everyone:

"From now on, everyone should use branches to explore the way. Don't be careless. Try to choose places where trees and heather grow. These trees and heather grow on hard ground."

 "Every ten people form a group, they must walk close together, and they must not be scattered." Baili Fenghua added another sentence.

Then the two took the lead leaning on the branches and began to move forward slowly.

Fortunately, this swamp looks foggy, but there are a lot of hard ground.

However, what everyone is worried about is what the hidden trap laid by the green bamboo will be.

But halfway through, there was still no accident.

Everyone couldn't help being puzzled.

At this moment, behind him, I heard the scream of a guard, followed by the sound of a person falling into the swamp with a plop.

Lu Qingqing frowned and looked down, only to see four or five people falling into the water one after another.

"Snake... Be careful of poisonous snakes..." At this time, one of the guards who fell into the swamp yelled loudly.

Everyone's face changed drastically, and they began to deal with the biting snake with a long sword in their hands.

But they are hidden in the swamp, so it is not easy to deal with them.

They are like meat on a pad, completely passive.

The situation suddenly became very dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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