Sheep prince shrewd concubine

Chapter 198 Li Jiaojiao seeks her own death [10]

Chapter 198 Li Jiaojiao seeks her own death [10]

It's really... itchy, like suddenly thousands of ants were sent to bite me, and there were also thousands of ants in my body to bite from inside .

Itches inside and out.

It's hard, it's really hard.

He couldn't restrain himself from writhing his whole body, and kept rubbing his body against the ground in an attempt to relieve the itching, but he found that the more he rubbed his body, the more itchy he was, and his martial arts were also the same as those who had just been drugged. The time has passed, and at this time, let alone doing it, walking has become a problem.

But he was also lucky that the drug made him feel lighter even if he scratched it.

Although he can't be satisfied, at least he won't become a blood man soon.

"Don't tell me?" Lu Qingqing saw that he just bit his lip and still didn't mean to say anything, so he lowered his head: "I almost forgot to tell you, I named this medicine, it's called life is better than death! Don't you think it's fitting?"

"It fits the occasion..." Jin smiled wryly.

Lu Qingqing looked at him, and couldn't help but also smiled: "Look at you, you smile so ugly, why don't you just relax a bit? Tell the truth, and you can get rid of everything?"

"Miss Lu, I can only tell you that I followed you without any malice!" There was only so much he could say.

"Hehe... The villain will naturally not admit that he is a villain? You have no malicious intentions, and you don't want to say that you followed me to protect me, right?" Lu Qingqing said with a sneer.

This is really...

Jin smiled wryly... he couldn't control the itch all over his body, nor could he control his own pain.

"I'd like to see how long you can last... You see, the skin is about to break. If you keep grinding it, when the skin breaks, it will hurt and itchy at that moment. That's the real pain!" She said. Said coldly.

She has never been kind to the enemy, and she has no intention of softening her heart for everything in front of her.

Survival, sometimes it is so simple.

"Miss Lu, I really don't have any malicious intentions... I really don't... I really don't... You believe... Believe me..." Jin kept rolling, this poison is really terrible.

That kind of itching started from the inside out, giving him an urge to tear off a layer of skin and then scratch it hard...

Biting his lip, he felt that if he really itch to death like this today, he would be really wronged...

Because obviously...he really protects Miss Lu...

But now, he can't tell the truth, what should he do...

He tried his best to think about his luck, but found that the true energy in his body was completely dissipated, and he couldn't even raise a ray of true energy. Let alone escape, it was difficult to stand up and walk, because his hands and feet were weak and weak.

"Say it?" Lu Qingqing glared at him coldly.

"Miss Lu, I really can't say...but I promise I have no malicious intentions!"

"You promise? Your people are worthless, what can your guarantee be worth?" Lu Qingqing sneered: "You'd better say it quickly, otherwise when the toxicity reaches its highest point, you will be more expensive than me." It's still a hundred times more painful now, but at that will really be called a father and a mother!"

"..." Jin couldn't help but smiled wryly, not knowing what to do, he had never been so embarrassed before.


Hey, I don't know if he really died because of this, would the prince call him a fool?
But... the prince's iron order, he cannot violate... this is his oath.

(End of this chapter)

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