First love, the best of you

Chapter 406 Little Bie Sheng Newly Married 6

Chapter 406 Little Bie Sheng Newly Married 6
"Little girl, little girl!!?" The bathroom aunt waved her hand in front of Chu Xia's eyes and called out to her with concern.

"Ah?" Chu Xia came back to her senses, looking at the bathroom aunt with her red cheeks, and after hesitating a few words, she ended with "Anyway, I'm sure I'm not being cheated", flying like flying Ran away.

In the next few days, every time the bathroom aunt saw Chu Xia, she would warmly greet her, "Little girl, do you know what the law of nature means?"

"Uh... People follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature??" Chu Xia hesitated for a moment and replied cautiously.

"What else??" The bathroom aunt looked at her expectantly.

"And... and..." Chu Xia was so anxious that she couldn't help stretching out her hand and scratching her head. Did she make a mistake? She came to take a bath! !She didn't come to Taoism class! !

"There is also Tao that produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things..." The bathroom aunt looked at her with a look of resentment, and couldn't help but shook her head and said: "The little girl also said that you were not deceived." , if you are really a Taoist, how come you don’t even know some of the most basic things of Taoism??”

"Auntie... can't say that. Does every believer in Christianity know the Bible by heart??" Chu Xia was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

"Even if they can't memorize the Bible by heart, they must all know Love-is-patient; love-is-kind; love-is-not-envious-or-boastful-or-arrogant-or-rude. It-does-not-insist-on-its-own-way; it-is-not-irritable-or-resentful; it-does-not-rejoice-in-wrongdoing, but-rejoices-in-the-truth. It-bears-all-things, hopes-all-things, endures-all-things. Love-never-ends." As soon as the bathroom aunt spoke, her mellow American English shocked Chu Xia instantly.

She widened her eyes, and after a long while, she finally pulled her lips slightly, and asked weakly, "Auntie... what are you talking about?"

"Hey... silly girl." The bathroom aunt shook her head helplessly, and patiently said to her slowly: "Love is long-suffering and kind; Does not seek its own, is slow to anger, thinks no evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things; love never fails."

"This... sounds familiar." Chu Xia scratched the back of her head and said very honestly.

"Isn't this the meaning of the English passage I just said after it is translated into Chinese?" The bathroom aunt looked at her helplessly, and continued: "Little girl, don't talk about religion, Christianity, you just believe in Buddhism, ** *Teach me, I can tell you why!"

(End of this chapter)

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