the brightest galaxy

Chapter 944 Her Personal Charm

Chapter 944 Her Personal Charm
However, Xia Xinghe didn't seem to be in a hurry for success, and his speech style was still more stable.

This is more in line with Xia Xinghe's steady personality.

She delivered a steady speech that seemed to have greater effect, giving off a very reliable and trustworthy feeling from the beginning.

On the contrary, Dong Liang, every speech is very exciting, it is all kinds of ways to mobilize the emotions of the people.

At first, people were very excited.

But after one or two games, the public's mood seems to be a little weak.

Because no matter how excited a person is, there is a limit. If the excitement is too high, it will have the opposite effect.

Dong Liang and the others soon discovered this shortcoming, and their team quickly made adjustments, which also made her start to adopt a prudent style.

It's a pity that the steady style is Xia Xinghe's exclusive.

The people are already preconceived, and Dong Liang will not be able to give people a sense of freshness if he takes a steady approach.

Even if she is just a little more stable, it will make people feel that she is imitating.

After the third speech, Dong Liang's mood was very gloomy!

Because this time her approval rating was significantly lower than Xia Xinghe's.

In the previous two matches, she and Xia Xinghe each won once, but the gap was not that big, almost even.

But this time, she was obviously lower than her.

If this trend continues, it will be difficult for her to turn defeat into victory.

But what tested them most in the election was their mentality. After all, no one would know who would win until the end.

Sometimes at the last minute, the situation can still be turned around.

Even if the popular approval rating does not win, there is still a congressional vote.

Dong Liang is very confident that she will win the Congress because many people have expressed their support for her.

With this in mind, Dong Liang quickly adjusted his mentality and continued to compete with Xia Xinghe for votes.

But no matter how good-hearted she is and how hard she works, the votes are not as good as Xia Xinghe's.

The only good thing was that, in the end, it was just the two of them who were running.And she just needs to concentrate on defeating Xia Xinghe.

But every day, Xia Xinghe's votes are increasing, and the gap between them is getting bigger and bigger.

Riya and the others are very happy about this.

"Did you see Dong Liang's expression just now? His face is so stinky. Haha, she is not our Xinghe's opponent at all." Li Ya said proudly and excitedly.

Instead, Shanhe calmed down, "Don't be too happy, we can't be negligent, after all, no one knows the result until the end."

"I know, I'm just happy. Seeing so many people support Xinghe, I'm happy for her."

Corey nodded in agreement, "Xinghe's personal charm is indeed very strong."

Even if she is young and doesn't have much political experience, she can have many supporters just by relying on her personal charm.

And personal charm is also a kind of ability.

Even if Xia Xinghe didn't intentionally show off her personal charm, he could still make people unconsciously attracted by her charm.

During this popular election, she has been neither arrogant nor impetuous, calm and unhurried, with few distractions.

Just the aura emanating from the inside out is impressive.

Dong Liang was not as experienced as her, but under Xia Xinghe's calm stimulation, she became less and less calm.

Even if she couldn't see anything on the surface, her heart was already in a mess.

Dong Tianrong is her father, he can see through her thoughts at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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