Chapter 577

So she actually designed a cage to lock Xi Mubai's heart?
Thinking of this inexplicably, Xia Xinghe shook his head, what was she thinking.

Xia Xinghe quickly threw away this strange idea.

And scientists have finally brought good news!

The material was made and tested exactly to their specifications!
Knowing this news, Xia Xinghe was very happy.

Not only her, but the people of Xi's family, Lu Qi and the others are all very happy.Everyone seemed to see the dawn of hope, and all expressed joy from the bottom of their hearts.

Xia Xinghe didn't waste any time, and immediately put himself into production.

This time, she didn't leave the laboratory at all, she ate and slept in it.

Several scientists are struggling with her, they are almost day and night, forgetting to eat and sleep...

The members of the Xi family are also suffering in various ways, wondering if the experiment will be successful.

Lu Qi was also worried about this.

Now the only thing they care about is this matter, as if everything in the world has nothing to do with them.

But something big happened in the world!
The president suddenly became critically ill, and his life was dying.

As soon as the news came out, the Xi family immediately held an urgent family meeting in the middle of the night.

Xia Xinghe was also called over.

Originally, she was still doing experiments and no one was allowed to disturb her, but the Xi family still called her over.

And it's still so late.

The urgency of the matter can be seen.

After a while, everyone arrived, even Xi Munan who was training was called back.

The atmosphere in the study was very serious, and Xia Xinghe was the only woman.

Seeing that everyone has arrived, Mr. Xi said in a low voice: "I called you all over because I have something very important to announce to you. The president is critically ill, and this day is about to change."

Everyone was surprised.

Xi Munan subconsciously said, "Why didn't I hear any wind?"

"This news has been blocked for half a month, and now I can't hide it anymore, and I just found out." When Mr. Xi said this, he was a little sad.

Since his retirement, he seems to be out of the political center.

Even such a big thing, he didn't know until now, he felt that he was really old and useless.

"Dad, is the news reliable?" Xi Jiangnian asked in a low voice.

Mr. Xi nodded, "It's confirmed, it's true, and those people are preparing for a new term. It is estimated that in a few days, the news of the president's sudden critical illness will be announced, and the new term will also start by the way."

"Isn't the Lin family..." Xi Jiangshan immediately thought of a serious problem.

"That's right!" Mr. Xi's face was serious, "people from the Lin family will also participate in the election. That old man Lin has been waiting for so many years, and what he is waiting for is now. Even if he is too old to run for election, his eldest son Lin Kang But it is qualified."

Lin Kang is now the mayor of City A. In addition, the Lin family has a strong background, Mr. Lin has many connections, and has great influence in the political world, so he has a high possibility of being elected.

Thinking of this, Xi Munan's expression changed immediately, "What should we do? If Lin Kang is elected, wouldn't our Xi family..."

Although he didn't finish his words, his meaning was very direct.

The Xi family will be doomed!

Now the Xi family and the Lin family have formed hatred, and they will not let the Xi family go.

Before this, the Lin family didn't dare to deal with the Xi family openly, and they didn't dare to make any mistakes.

But once Lincoln was elected president, there was nothing to be afraid of.

(End of this chapter)

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