the brightest galaxy

Chapter 494 The Arrival of the Doomsday

Chapter 494 The Arrival of the Doomsday

It feels like the whole world is coming back!
"We have rescued Bai Jiali, now whether to destroy the IV organization or not depends entirely on your words." Xia Xinghe said flatly again.

This time, Philip was really completely resurrected.

His eyes became unusually bright and sharp, and his blood was also boiling crazily.

The breath is even more majestic.

It's like a lion that has just woken up and is about to conquer his world.

"Of course." Philip gripped the phone tightly and said coldly, "Destroy it now!"

He couldn't tolerate that damn organization for a second.

Xia Xinghe pursed his lips: "Very good. But I suggest live broadcasting the whole world."

"Good idea." Philip also hooked his lips, looking sharply at Aaliyah, who suddenly felt uneasy for no reason.

What happened in the end?

But soon, she knew what a big thing had happened!
Facing thousands of people and countless cameras, Philip announced majestically, "All my compatriots and friends, people of the world, today I would like to solemnly announce an exciting and good news to you. IV organization, I have found Well, I don’t have a speech today, only a demonstration! I will use practical actions to show that I am determined to fight against all criminals and organizations that endanger the safety of our citizens’ lives and property! The elimination of the IV organization is just the beginning, and I, Philip, give it to you Solemn promise!!"

Philip's voice that broke the sky stunned everyone.

The whole world was shocked.

What the hell is he talking about?
Why do they understand every word, but they don't understand?

Just when the whole world was stunned, the huge screen behind Philip suddenly changed!

It was an empty desert, countless troops, helicopters, fighter jets, and all armed forces were dispatched.

A fighter jet flew over the desert and dropped a bomb.

With a bang, the bomb exploded, and a huge mushroom cloud rose.

Then, under the eyes of the whole world, the bomb-struck ground revealed the mysterious underground kingdom of the IV organization.

And the people in the underground organization were all stunned by the bomb.

They had been staring at the TV to watch the election process, and suddenly they heard Philip say that they would be destroyed.

Before they could react, they saw the situation outside the base on the screen behind Philip on the TV.

That was indeed the terrain outside their base.

But why didn't they detect the approach of the army in their surveillance?
Why didn't the alarm system go off, and why did they find them? !
Everyone in the base panicked, trying to fight back in a panic.

"Hurry up and launch missiles and activate all defense devices!"

"What to do, the missile can't be launched!"

"The defense system cannot be activated, the system has an error and cannot be repaired!"

"Who opened the gate, the army rushed in-"

These words completely confused the entire base.

"Go and catch Philip's wife, and control her at all costs!"

They thought that as long as Philip's wife was in their hands, they would have a chance to fight back now.

However, those who went to arrest Bai Jiali quickly came to report in haste.

"It's not good, the person is gone, someone robbed her!"

All attack systems and defense systems cannot be activated.

The army broke into the base without hindrance, and the most important hostages in their hands disappeared.

The entire IV organization finally felt that the end was coming.

(End of this chapter)

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