the brightest galaxy

Chapter 449 My marksmanship is very inaccurate

Chapter 449 My marksmanship is very inaccurate

They didn't even realize what was going on.

I don't know who the enemy is lurking in the dark, and almost all of their people are gone...

This sudden change immediately frightened the few remaining people.

Regardless of Quinn's life or death, they turned around and ran away crying.

But how could they escape.

"Don't let any one go!" Shan He ordered sharply, A Lang and the others shot instantly, and the escaped screamed, and their lives were ended immediately.

The wind blows bleakly.

Quinn looked at all this dumbfounded, his mind was completely bewildered.

Who will tell him why all his people are dead...

Although people are stupid, Quinn quickly raised his pistol at Shanhe and the others, his dark skin turned pale.

"You guys, don't come here, don't, don't come here!"

Quinn didn't notice that his voice was trembling, and tears even flowed from his eyes.

Seeing his frightened appearance, Shanhe and the others looked down upon him.

He didn't even take his threat seriously.

"Quinn, I advise you to put down the gun..."

"Don't come here!" Quinn was like a frightened bird, as soon as he heard Shan He's voice, he shot hard on conditioned reflex.

Shanhe and the others escaped in a dangerous manner, and they were so frightened that they cursed.

"Damn, he really dared to shoot!"

"S~hit, I'll kill him with one shot!" Ah Lang violently raised his pistol and was about to attack Quinn, when Xia Xinghe's cold voice suddenly sounded, "Stop it."

A Lang's movements suddenly stopped, and when he turned around, he saw Xia Xinghe walking towards them with 20 mercenaries.

The mercenaries tightly protected her in the middle, watching the surroundings and Quinn vigilantly.

However, Quinn's bullets had already been fired, and he still fired without giving up, but all the guns released were empty.

Seeing that everyone's attention was on Xia Xinghe, Quinn crawled to grab a gun next to him.

"Bang——" The moment his hand stretched out, a bullet shot at his finger hard, almost crippling his hand.

Quinn shrieked and retracted his hand, looking in horror at Xia Xinghe who shot.

The latter, on the other hand, had already aimed his gun at his head.

In her mouth, she also said something creepy, "My marksmanship is very inaccurate, don't try to challenge luck."

Quinn froze and didn't dare to move.

Not only him, Shan He and the others all had a feeling of horror.

People who shoot indiscriminately with inaccurate marksmanship are the most dangerous!
Xia Xinghe was very satisfied with Quinn's reaction. She took two steps forward and asked him condescendingly, "Do you want to die by my hands?"

Quinn shook his head subconsciously.

An idiot wants to die at her hands.

Xia Xinghe was satisfied again, "It's fine if you don't want to. Now answer my question, where is Charles?"

Quinn swallowed, he saw the deep threat in Xia Xinghe's eyes.

If he doesn't answer honestly, she will kill him...

Quinn would never have imagined that this woman who had just appeared suddenly would be so powerful.

There are so many mercenaries around.

Could it be that her identity is very special, that she really has a relationship with Charles?

But no matter what her identity is, he can't afford to provoke her now.

With so many people threatening his life, he has become a lamb to be slaughtered.

But Quinn is not stupid enough to explain everything honestly.

He stared at Xia Xinghe closely and said: "It's not that I don't say anything, but if I say it, it's a dead end."

(End of this chapter)

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